
Genus contains
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Unresolved junior homonym
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Nomen nudum
1,960 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Pheidole flavens farquharensis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole parva Mayr, 1865
Forel, 1907g Pheidole flavens var. farquharensis
(w.) SEYCHELLES (Farquhar I.). Malagasy.
Pheidole flavens floridana
an obsolete combination of Pheidole floridana Emery, 1895
Emery, 1895d Pheidole flavens subsp. floridana
(s.w.q.) U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic.
Pheidole flavens gracilior
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Forel, 1901m Pheidole flavens r. gracilior
(s.w.q.) WEST INDIES. Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens haytiana
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Forel, 1907h Pheidole flavens var. haytiana
(w.) HAITI. Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens mediorubra
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole alacris Santschi, 1923
Santschi, 1933f Pheidole flavens var. mediorubra
(s.w.) ARGENTINA (Misiones). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens navigans
an obsolete combination of Pheidole navigans Forel, 1901
Forel, 1901m Pheidole flavens r. navigans
(s.w.) MEXICO (Veracruz). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens perpusilla
an obsolete combination of Pheidole perpusilla Emery, 1894
Emery, 1894d Pheidole flavens subsp. perpusilla
(s.w.q.) BRAZIL (Pará). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens rudigenis
an obsolete combination of Pheidole rudigenis Emery, 1906
Emery, 1906c Pheidole flavens subsp. rudigenis
(s.) ARGENTINA (Misiones). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens sculptior
an obsolete combination of Pheidole sculptior Forel, 1893
Forel, 1893j Pheidole flavens r. sculptior
(s.w.q.) ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent I.). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens sculptior grenadensis
Forel, 1897b Pheidole flavens r. sculptior var. grenadensis
(s.w.q.m.) GRENADA. Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens spei
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Santschi, 1930e Pheidole flavens st. spei
(s.w.) CUBA. Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens thomensis
Emery, 1894d Pheidole flavens var. thomensis
(s.w.q.) VIRGIN IS (St Thomas I.). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens tuberculata
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Mayr, 1887 Pheidole exigua var. tuberculata
(s.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens tuberculata platensis
Forel, 1914d Pheidole flavens r. tuberculata var. platensis
(s.w.m.) ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens tuberculata putata
Forel, 1912g Pheidole flavens r. tuberculata var. putata
(s.) BRAZIL (São Paulo). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavens vincentensis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Forel, 1893j Pheidole flavens var. vincentensis
(s.w.q.m.) ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent I.). Neotropic.
Pheidole flaveria
Zhou & Zheng, 1999 Pheidole flaveria
(s.w.) CHINA (Guangxi). Indomalaya.
Pheidole flavida
Mayr, 1887 Pheidole flavida
(s.w.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Pheidole flavifrons
Wilson, 2003a Pheidole flavifrons
(s.w.) PERU. Neotropic.
Pheidole flavigaster
Zhong, 2021 Pheidole flavigaster
(s.w.q.) CHINA (Fujian). Indomalaya.
Pheidole flavodepressa
Salata & Fisher, 2020c Pheidole flavodepressa
(s.w.) MADAGASCAR. Malagasy.
Pheidole flavominuta
Salata & Fisher, 2020b Pheidole flavominuta
(s.w.) MADAGASCAR. Malagasy.
Pheidole flavothoracica
Viehmeyer, 1914d Pheidole (Pheidolacanthinus) flavothoracica
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Pheidole floricola
Wilson, 2003a Pheidole floricola
(s.w.) HONDURAS. Neotropic.
Pheidole floridana
Emery, 1895d Pheidole flavens subsp. floridana
(s.w.q.) U.S.A. (Florida). Nearctic.
Pheidole floridana aechmeae
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole flavens Roger, 1863
Wheeler, 1934g Pheidole floridana subsp. aechmeae
(s.w.) MEXICO (Veracruz). Neotropic.
Pheidole floridana antoniensis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole bilimeki Mayr, 1870
Forel, 1901j Pheidole floridana var. antoniensis
(s.w.) COLOMBIA. Neotropic.
Pheidole floridana ares
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole bilimeki Mayr, 1870
Forel, 1908c Pheidole floridana subsp. ares
(s.w.m.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Pheidole floridana deplanata
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole bilimeki Mayr, 1870
Pergande, 1896 Pheidole floridana var. deplanata
(s.w.) MEXICO (Nayarit). Neotropic.
Pheidole floridana stomachosa
an obsolete combination of Pheidole stomachosa Wheeler, 1917
Wheeler, 1917g Pheidole floridana subsp. stomachosa
(s.w.q.) JAMAICA. Neotropic.