
Genus contains
Described by
Described year
Protonym contains
Locality contains
Type information contains
Forms contains
Incertae sedis in
Unresolved junior homonym
Collective group name
Nomen nudum
88 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Erichson, 1842 Amblyopone
Amblyopone (Stigmatomma)
an obsolete classification of Stigmatomma Roger, 1859
Roger, 1859 Stigmatomma
Amblyopone aberrans
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone aberrans
(w.q.m.) AUSTRALIA (Western Australia). Australasia.
Amblyopone agostii
an obsolete combination of Fulakora agostii (Lacau & Delabie, 2002)
Lacau & Delabie, 2002 Amblyopone agostii
(w.) BRAZIL (Bahia). Neotropic.
Amblyopone annae
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma annae (Arnol'di, 1968)
Arnol'di, 1968b Amblyopone (Stigmatomma) annae
(w.) TURKMENISTAN. Palearctic.
Amblyopone armigera
an obsolete combination of Fulakora armigera (Mayr, 1887)
Mayr, 1887 Amblyopone armigera
(w.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.
Amblyopone australis
Erichson, 1842 Amblyopone australis
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Tasmania). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis cephalotes
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Smith, 1876c Amblyopone cephalotes
(w.) NEW ZEALAND. Australasia.
Amblyopone australis cephalotes howensis
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone australis subsp. cephalotes var. howensis
(w.q.m.) AUSTRALIA (Lord Howe). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis cephalotes norfolkensis
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone australis subsp. cephalotes var. norfolkensis
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Norfolk). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis fortis
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Forel, 1910b Amblyopone australis var. fortis
(w.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis foveolata
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone australis subsp. foveolata
(w.q.m.) AUSTRALIA (Western Australia). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis laevidens
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Emery, 1887f Amblyopone laevidens
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Indonesia). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis laevidens queenslandica
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone australis subsp. laevidens var. queenslandica
(w.q.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis minor
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Forel, 1915b Amblyopone minor
(w.q.m.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Amblyopone australis obscura
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Smith, 1858a Amblyopone obscura
(w.q.) AUSTRALIA. Australasia.
Amblyopone australis obscura pallens
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone australis subsp. obscura var. pallens
(w.) AUSTRALIA (New South Wales). Australasia.
Amblyopone awa
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma awa (Xu & Chu, 2012)
Xu & Chu, 2012 Amblyopone awa
(w.q.) CHINA (Yunnan). Indomalaya.
Amblyopone bellii
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma bellii (Forel, 1900)
Forel, 1900d Amblyopone (Stigmatomma) bellii
(w.) INDIA (Karnataka). Indomalaya.
Amblyopone besucheti
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma besucheti (Baroni Urbani, 1978)
Baroni Urbani, 1978a Amblyopone besucheti
(w.) SEYCHELLES IS (La Digue I.). Malagasy.
Amblyopone boltoni
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma boltoni (Bharti & Wachkoo, 2011)
Bharti & Wachkoo, 2011 Amblyopone boltoni
(w.) INDIA (Himachal Pradesh). Indomalaya.
Amblyopone caliginosa
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma caliginosum (Onoyama, 1999)
Onoyama, 1999 Amblyopone caliginosa
(w.q.) JAPAN. Palearctic.
Amblyopone castaneus
an obsolete combination of Myopopone castanea (Smith, 1860)
Smith, 1860b Amblyopone castaneus
(w.) INDONESIA (Bacan I.). Australasia.
Amblyopone cephalotes
an obsolete combination of Amblyopone australis cephalotes Smith, 1876
Smith, 1876c Amblyopone cephalotes
(w.) NEW ZEALAND. Australasia.
Amblyopone cephalotes maculata
junior synonym of current valid taxon Amblyopone australis Erichson, 1842
Stitz, 1911a Amblyopone cephalotes var. maculata
(w.) NEW ZEALAND. Australasia.
Amblyopone chilensis
an obsolete combination of Fulakora chilensis (Mayr, 1887)
Mayr, 1887 Amblyopone chilensis
(w.) CHILE. Neotropic.
Amblyopone clarki
Wheeler, 1927c Amblyopone clarki
(w.dq.) AUSTRALIA (Western Australia). Australasia.
Amblyopone cleae
an obsolete combination of Fulakora cleae (Lacau & Delabie, 2002)
Lacau & Delabie, 2002 Amblyopone cleae
(w.q.m.l.) BRAZIL (Bahia). Neotropic.
Amblyopone crenata
an obsolete combination of Stigmatomma crenatum (Xu, 2001)
Xu, 2001d Amblyopone crenata
(w.) CHINA (Yunnan). Indomalaya.
Amblyopone degenerata
an obsolete combination of Fulakora degenerata (Borgmeier, 1957)
Borgmeier, 1957a Amblyopone degenerata
(w.) BRAZIL (Santa Catarina). Neotropic.