
Genus contains
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Described year
Protonym contains
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Incertae sedis in
Unresolved junior homonym
Collective group name
Nomen nudum
52 result(s)
Name Authorship Protonym
Emery, 1893a Cryptopone
Cryptopone angustata
an obsolete combination of Hypoponera angustata (Santschi, 1914)
Santschi, 1914d Cryptopone angustata
(w.) GUINEA. Afrotropic.
Cryptopone anommata
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone testacea Emery, 1893
Donisthorpe, 1948b Ponera anommata
(w.m.) NEW GUINEA (Indonesia). Australasia.
Cryptopone arabica
Collingwood & Agosti, 1996 Cryptopone arabica
(w.) YEMEN. Afrotropic.
Cryptopone butteli
Forel, 1913l Cryptopone butteli
(w.) INDONESIA (Sumatra, Java). Indomalaya.
Cryptopone crassicornis
Emery, 1897 Belonopelta crassicornis
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Cryptopone emeryi
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone testacea Emery, 1893
Donisthorpe, 1943a Cryptopone emeryi
(w.) SRI LANKA. Indomalaya.
Cryptopone fusciceps
Emery, 1900b Cryptopone fusciceps
(w.q.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Cryptopone fuscior
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone fusciceps Emery, 1900
Mann, 1919 Cryptopone mayri var. fuscior
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Santa Isabel). Australasia.
Cryptopone gigas
Wu & Wang, 1995a Cryptopone gigas
(w.) CHINA (Anhui). Palearctic.
Cryptopone gilva
Roger, 1863a Ponera gilva
(w.) NORTH AMERICA. Nearctic.
Cryptopone gilva harnedi
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone gilva (Roger, 1863)
Smith, 1929c Euponera (Trachymesopus) gilva subsp. harnedi
(w.) U.S.A. (Mississippi). Nearctic.
Cryptopone gilvagrande
Branstetter & Longino, 2022 Cryptopone gilvagrande
(w.q.) GUATEMALA (Baja Verapaz). Neotropic.
Cryptopone gilvatumida
Branstetter & Longino, 2022 Cryptopone gilvatumida
(w.q.) MEXICO (Veracruz). Neotropic.
Cryptopone guatemalensis
Forel, 1899b Ponera ochracea r. guatemalensis
(w.) GUATEMALA. Neotropic.
Cryptopone guianensis
an obsolete combination of Wadeura guianensis Weber, 1939
Weber, 1939a Wadeura guianensis
(w.q.) GUYANA. Neotropic.
Cryptopone hartwigi
an obsolete combination of Fisheropone hartwigi (Arnold, 1948)
Arnold, 1948 Cryptopone hartwigi
(w.) SOUTH AFRICA. Afrotropic.
Cryptopone haskinsi
an obsolete combination of Wadeura haskinsi Weber, 1939
Weber, 1939a Wadeura haskinsi
(w.) PANAMA (Barro Colorado I.). Neotropic.
Cryptopone holmgreni
an obsolete combination of Wadeura holmgreni (Wheeler, 1925)
Wheeler, 1925a Euponera (Trachymesopus) holmgreni
(w.) PERU. Neotropic.
Cryptopone jinxiuensis
Zhou, 2001a Cryptopone jinxiuensis
(w.) CHINA (Guangxi). Indomalaya.
Cryptopone mayri
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone testacea Emery, 1893
Mann, 1919 Cryptopone mayri
(w.q.) SOLOMON IS (Santa Isabel). Australasia.
Cryptopone mayri fuscior
an obsolete combination of Cryptopone fuscior Mann, 1919
Mann, 1919 Cryptopone mayri var. fuscior
(w.) SOLOMON IS (Santa Isabel). Australasia.
Cryptopone mayri minor
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone fusciceps Emery, 1900
Mann, 1919 Cryptopone mayri var. minor
(w.) SOLOMON IS. Australasia.
Cryptopone mirabilis
an obsolete combination of Centromyrmex mirabilis (MacKay & MacKay, 2010)
MacKay & MacKay, 2010 Pachycondyla mirabilis
(w.) BOLIVIA. Neotropic.
Cryptopone mjobergi
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone rotundiceps (Emery, 1914)
Forel, 1915b Ponera mjobergi
(w.q.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Cryptopone mocsaryi
an obsolete combination of Ponera mocsaryi (Szabó, 1910)
Szabó, 1910d Cryptopone mocsaryi
(w.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Indomalaya.
Cryptopone motschulskyi
Donisthorpe, 1943a Cryptopone motschulskyi
(q.) NEW GUINEA (Indonesia). Australasia.
Cryptopone nicobarensis
Forel, 1905e Cryptopone nicobarensis
(q.) INDIA (Nicobar Is). Indomalaya.
Cryptopone obsoleta
junior synonym of current valid taxon Cryptopone guatemalensis (Forel, 1899)
Menozzi, 1931d Euponera (Trachymesopus) obsoleta
(w.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Cryptopone ochracea
Mayr, 1855 Ponera ochracea
(q.) ITALY. Palearctic.