This history item belongs to Sicelomyrmex Wheeler, 1915

Its current taxon owner(s) is Sicelomyrmex

Sicelomyrmex in Formicinae, †Sicelomyrmecini: Wheeler, 1929a: 12; Brown & Carpenter, 1979: 423; Bolton, 1994: 51; Bolton, 1995b: 46.

{tax 429228} in {tax 429149}, {tax 429224}: {ref 130205}: 12; {ref 123248}: 423; {ref 122834}: 51; {ref 122860}: 46.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-11-30
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Sicelomyrmex Genus Valid
Other history items belonging to Sicelomyrmex
#240142 [†Sicilomyrmex: Brown & Carpenter, 1979: 423 (emendation of spelling).]
#279128 [Note: the emendation of spelling to †Sicilomyrmex proposed by Brown & Carpenter, 1979: 423, may be unnecessary. In various publications Wheeler uses both Sicelomyrmex and †Sicilomyrmex, with the former being the original, and also the one he used in his Wheeler, 1929a review of the group. It may be that the genus was originally named for the Sicels (one of the original tribes of Sicily), rather than after the island itself. In consequence the maintenance of the original orthography is recommended here.]
#240143 Sicelomyrmex in Camponotinae, Gesomyrmecini: Wheeler, 1915i: 111.
#240144 (selected) Sicelomyrmex in Formicinae, †Sicelomyrmecini: Wheeler, 1929a: 12; Brown & Carpenter, 1979: 423; Bolton, 1994: 51; Bolton, 1995b: 46.
#240145 Sicelomyrmex in Formicinae, Gesomyrmecini: Donisthorpe, 1943h: 725; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 77; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 17; Bolton, 2003: 24, 109; Ward et al., 2016: 347.
#311841 Sicelomyrmex as genus: all authors.