This history item belongs to Typhlatta Smith, 1857

Its current taxon owner(s) is Typhlatta

Typhlatta in Myrmicinae: Smith, 1857a: 79 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1865: 17 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1866a: 505 [Myrmicidae]; Smith, 1871a: 333 [Myrmicidae].

{tax 429478} in {tax 429529}: {ref 128683}: 79 [{unmissing Myrmicidae}]; {ref 127193}: 17 [{unmissing Myrmicidae}]; {ref 127215}: 505 [{unmissing Myrmicidae}]; {ref 128707}: 333 [{unmissing Myrmicidae}].
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2023-10-04
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Aenictus (Typhlatta) Subgenus Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Typhlatta Smith, 1857
Typhlatta Genus Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Aenictus Shuckard, 1840
Other history items belonging to Typhlatta
#240892 (selected) Typhlatta in Myrmicinae: Smith, 1857a: 79 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1865: 17 [Myrmicidae]; Mayr, 1866a: 505 [Myrmicidae]; Smith, 1871a: 333 [Myrmicidae].
#240893 Typhlatta in Attidae: Smith, 1862a: 49.
#240894 Typhlatta in Dorylinae: Forel, 1878c: 365 (footnote) [Dorylidae].
#312036 Typhlatta as genus: Mayr, 1863a: 457; Roger, 1863b: 36; Mayr, 1865: 17; Mayr, 1866a: 505; Mayr, 1872: 151; Mayr, 1879: 668.
#240895 Typhlatta as subgenus of Aenictus: Wheeler, 1930j: 198; Donisthorpe, 1943h: 734; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 12.
#240896 Typhlatta as junior synonym of Aenictus: Forel, 1890c: ciii; Dalla Torre, 1893: 7; Bingham, 1903: 6; Emery, 1910b: 28; Wilson, 1964a: 444; Bolton, 1973a: 357; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 11; Bolton, 1995b: 49; Tang et al., 1995: 42; Bolton, 2003: 147; Borowiec, 2016: 78.