This history item belongs to Typhlopone Westwood, 1839
Its current taxon owner(s) is Typhlopone
Typhlopone as genus: Westwood, 1839a: 219; Shuckard, 1840b: 262; Lucas, 1849: 302; Nylander, 1856b: 76; Smith, 1858a: 110; Mayr, 1861: 52; Mayr, 1862: 737; Mayr, 1863a: 457; Roger, 1863b: 20; Mayr, 1865: 16; Mayr, 1872: 151; Dours, 1873: 167; Emery & Forel, 1879: 465; Ashmead, 1905c: 381; Ashmead, 1906: 26.
{tax 462349} as genus: {ref 129811}: 219; {ref 128627}: 262; {ref 126976}: 302; {ref 127565}: 76; {ref 128685}: 110; {ref 127189}: 52; {ref 127190}: 737; {ref 127213}: 457; {ref 128094}: 20; {ref 127193}: 16; {ref 127195}: 151; {ref 124387}: 167; {ref 124778}: 465; {ref 122385}: 381; {ref 122380}: 26.
Dorylus (Typhlopone) | Subgenus |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Typhlopone Westwood, 1839
Typhlopone | Genus |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Dorylus Fabricius, 1793