Colobostruma in Myrmicinae, Dacetini, Epopostrumiti: Brown, 1954b: 465; Brown & Wilson, 1959b: 281.
Colobostruma in Myrmicinae, Dacetini: Brown, 1948e: 118; Bolton, 1995b: 25; Bolton, 1999: 1679; Shattuck, 2000: 31; Bolton, 2003: 54, 186.
Colobostruma in Myrmicinae, Attini: Ward et al., 2015: 77.
Colobostruma as junior synonym of Epopostruma: Baroni Urbani & De Andrade, 2007: 94.
Colobostruma as genus: all authors except Baroni Urbani & De Andrade, 2007: 94.
Colobostruma as senior synonym of Alistruma: Brown, 1959c: 1; Brown & Wilson, 1959b: 281; Bolton, 1983: 270; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 13; Bolton, 1995b: 25; Bolton, 1999: 1679; Shattuck, 2000: 31; Bolton, 2003: 186.
Colobostruma as senior synonym of Clarkistruma: Brown, 1959c: 1; Brown & Wilson, 1959b: 281; Bolton, 1983: 270; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 13; Bolton, 1995b: 25; Bolton, 1999: 1679; Shattuck, 2000: 31; Bolton, 2003: 186.
[Note: all Colobostruma taxa with combination in Epopostruma, sensu Baroni Urbani & De Andrade, 2007: 97-98; taxonomy documented in Bolton, 1999, Bolton, 2000, is retained here.]