This history item belongs to Cryptoceridae Smith, 1853
Its current taxon owner(s) is Cryptocerini
Show only for rank: Tribe
Cryptocerini as tribe of Myrmicinae: Forel, 1891c: 143 [Cryptocerini]; Forel, 1892d: 345 [Cryptocerini]; Forel, 1893b: 164 [Cryptocerii]; Emery, 1894h: 383 [Cryptocerinae]; Forel, 1895b: 132 [Cryptocerii]; Emery, 1895d: 325 [Cryptocerii]; Emery, 1895l: 763 [Cryptocerii]; Forel, 1899d: 43 [Cryptocerii]; Sharp, 1899: 169 [Cryptocerini]; Forel, 1908a: 66 [Cryptocerii]; Wheeler, 1910a: 141 [Cryptocerii]; Forel, 1892d: 344 [Cryptocerini]; Emery, 1914e: 39 [Cryptocerini]; Emery, 1915g: 192 [Cryptocerini]; Wheeler, 1915f: 491 [Cryptoceriini (in text)]; Forel, 1917: 246 [Cryptocerini]; Wheeler, 1922: 665 [Cryptocerini]; Emery, 1924f: 299 [Cryptocerini]; subsequent authors; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976b: 59 [Cryptocerini]; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79 [Cryptocerini].
{tax 513514} as tribe of {tax 429529}: {ref 125030}: 143 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 125034}: 345 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 125049}: 164 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 124581}: 383 [{unmissing Cryptocerinae}]; {ref 125065}: 132 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 124591}: 325 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 124599}: 763 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 142479}: 43 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 128595}: 169 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 125179}: 66 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 130044}: 141 [{unmissing Cryptocerii}]; {ref 125034}: 344 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 124720}: 39 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 124728}: 192 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 130093}: 491 [{unmissing Cryptoceriini} (in text)]; {ref 124997}: 246 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 133015}: 665 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 124769}: 299 [{tax 513514}]; subsequent authors; {ref 129906}: 59 [{tax 513514}]; {ref 124165}: 79 [{tax 513514}].
Cryptoceridae | Tribe |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Cryptocerini Smith, 1853
Cryptocerini | Tribe |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Attini Smith, 1858