This history item belongs to Formica longipedem Eichwald, 1841

Its current taxon owner(s) is Cataglyphis longipedem

Senior synonym of Cataglyphis setipes turcomanica: Kolossov, 1932: 118; Agosti, 1990b: 1490; Bolton, 1995b: 136.

Senior synonym of {prott 160254}: {ref 126487}: 118; {ref 122142}: 1490; {ref 122860}: 136.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2021-01-29
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Cataglyphis longipedem Species Unidentifiable
Formica longipedem Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cataglyphis longipedem (Eichwald, 1841)
Other history items belonging to Formica longipedem
#292995 [Misspelled as longipedum by Donisthorpe, 1941m: 240.]
#307284 Combination in Myrmecocystus: Kolossov, 1932: 118.
#307285 Combination in Cataglyphis: Donisthorpe, 1941m: 240.
#292996 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Donisthorpe, 1941m: 240.
#292997 Status as species: Kolossov, 1932: 118; Bolton, 1995b: 136; Bharti et al., 2016: 27.
#250093 (selected) Senior synonym of Cataglyphis setipes turcomanica: Kolossov, 1932: 118; Agosti, 1990b: 1490; Bolton, 1995b: 136.
#292998 [Note: Kolossov, and Agosti, give Cataglyphis setipes turcomanica as senior synonym, but Cataglyphis longipedem has priority.]
#293000 Senior synonym of Cataglyphis setipes: Radchenko, 1997e: 435.
#250094 [Note: Radchenko gives Cataglyphis setipes as senior synonym, but Cataglyphis longipedem has priority.]
#293001 Unidentifiable taxon; incertae sedis in Cataglyphis: Wachkoo & Bharti, 2015a: 2 (in text; attributed to Radchenko & Tinaut, which has not been published).