Revision as of 14:30 7 July 2020
[Note: Radchenko, 1997e: 435, gave Cataglyphis longipedem Eichwald, 1841 as junior synonym of Cataglyphis setipes Forel, 1894c, but if the synonymy is correct then Cataglyphis longipedem Eichwald, 1841 takes priority.] show raw
Revision history
Compare with... Date User Event
cur prev 14:41 25 January 2023 (over 1 year ago) Bradley Reynolds
cur prev 14:30 7 July 2020 (about 4 years ago) Bradley Reynolds uuid update
cur prev 14:14 7 July 2020 (about 4 years ago) Brian Fisher uuid update
cur prev 02:56 12 September 2012 (almost 12 years ago) [system/unknown] uuid update