This history item belongs to Formica sanguinea subsp. subnuda Wheeler, 1903

Its current taxon owner(s) is Formica subnuda

Status as species: Creighton, 1950a: 469; Smith, 1951c: 872; Wilson & Brown, 1955: 118; Smith, 1958c: 160; Smith, 1967a: 373; Buren, 1968a: 33 (redescription); Hunt & Snelling, 1975: 23; Francoeur, 1977b: 208; Yensen et al., 1977: 185; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1978b: 396; Smith, 1979: 1465; Allred, 1982: 476; Snelling & Buren, 1985: 72 (in key); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 94; MacKay et al., 1988: 116; Blacker, 1992: 11; Wheeler et al., 1994: 307.

Status as species: {ref 123910}: 469; {ref 128824}: 872; {ref 130408}: 118; {ref 128854}: 160; {ref 128863}: 373; {ref 123332}: 33 (redescription); {ref 126032}: 23; {ref 125337}: 208; {ref 130568}: 185; {ref 129910}: 396; {ref 128659}: 1465; {ref 122181}: 476; {ref 128903}: 72 (in key); {ref 129925}: 94; {ref 127023}: 116; {ref 122776}: 11; {ref 129947}: 307.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2012-09-12
  • Updated at: 2020-05-20
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Formica sanguinea subnuda Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Formica subnuda Wheeler, 1903
Formica subnuda Species Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Formica aserva Forel, 1901
Other history items belonging to Formica sanguinea subsp. subnuda
#307751 Lectotype designation: Buren, 1968a: 33.
#255558 [First available use of Formica sanguinea rubicunda subnuda Emery, 1895d; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.]
#255559 Wheeler, 1913i: 409 (q.m.); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1953c: 170 (l.)
#279667 Combination in Formica (Formica): Wheeler, 1913i: 409.
#255560 Combination in Formica (Raptiformica): Emery, 1925d: 260.
#279668 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Wheeler, 1901e: 713; Forel, 1904b: 153.
#255561 Subspecies of Formica sanguinea: Wheeler, 1910a: 570; Wheeler, 1913i: 409 (redescription); Wheeler, 1917a: 533; Wheeler, 1917e: 18; Emery, 1925d: 260; Essig, 1926: 867; Cole, 1936a: 37; Cole, 1937b: 137; Wing, 1939: 165; Cole, 1942: 378; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1944: 267; Buren, 1944a: 308; Cole, 1954c: 163.
#255562 (selected) Status as species: Creighton, 1950a: 469; Smith, 1951c: 872; Wilson & Brown, 1955: 118; Smith, 1958c: 160; Smith, 1967a: 373; Buren, 1968a: 33 (redescription); Hunt & Snelling, 1975: 23; Francoeur, 1977b: 208; Yensen et al., 1977: 185; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1978b: 396; Smith, 1979: 1465; Allred, 1982: 476; Snelling & Buren, 1985: 72 (in key); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 94; MacKay et al., 1988: 116; Blacker, 1992: 11; Wheeler et al., 1994: 307.
#255563 Junior synonym of Formica aserva: Creighton, 1950a: 469; Wilson & Brown, 1955: 118; Smith, 1958c: 160; Buren, 1968a: 33; Smith, 1979: 1465.
#255564 [Note: Creighton, Wilson & Brown, Smith, M.R., Buren, and Smith, D.R. all give Formica subnuda as senior synonym, but Formica aserva has priority (Bolton, 1995b: 204).]