This history item belongs to Paraparatrechina Donisthorpe, 1947

Its current taxon owner(s) is Paraparatrechina

Paraparatrechina in Formicinae, Lasiini: Ward et al., 2016: 347.

{tax 429202} in {tax 429149}, {tax 429150}: {ref 142878}: 347.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2016-09-24
  • Updated at: 2023-09-14
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Paraparatrechina Genus Valid
Other history items belonging to Paraparatrechina
#240037 Paraparatrechina in Formicinae, Acanthomyopsini: Donisthorpe, 1947e: 192.
#311585 Paraparatrechina in Formicinae, Prenolepis genus group: LaPolla et al., 2010a: 127.
#276508 (selected) Paraparatrechina in Formicinae, Lasiini: Ward et al., 2016: 347.
#240038 Paraparatrechina as junior synonym of Paratrechina: Brown, 1973b: 183 [provisional]; Trager, 1984b: 58; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 18; Bolton, 1995b: 41; Tang et al., 1995: 93; Bolton, 2003: 104.
#240039 Paraparatrechina as genus: LaPolla et al., 2010a: 128.