This history item belongs to Aphaenogaster phalangium Emery, 1890

Its current taxon owner(s) is Aphaenogaster phalangium

Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 104; Forel, 1899b: 59; Emery, 1915k: 71; Emery, 1921c: 65; Mann, 1922: 24; Kempf, 1972b: 23; Bolton, 1995b: 72; Longino & Cover, 2004: 10; Mackay & Dash, 2016: 8; Mackay & Mackay, 2017: 353 (redescription); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 799.

Status as species: {ref 124002}: 104; {ref 125089}: 59; {ref 124732}: 71; {ref 124749}: 65; {ref 127073}: 24; {ref 126357}: 23; {ref 122860}: 72; {ref 131730}: 10; {ref 143122}: 8; {ref 143163}: 353 (redescription); {ref 143453}: 799.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2017-12-27
  • Updated at: 2022-01-25
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Aphaenogaster phalangium Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Aphaenogaster phalangium
#300517 Lectotype designation: Longino & Cover, 2004: 10.
#244645 [Also described as new by Emery, 1894l: 54.]
#244644 Combination in Aphaenogaster (Ischnomyrmex): Forel, 1899e: 59
#277458 Combination in Aphaenogaster (Deromyrma): Emery, 1915k: 71
#277459 (selected) Status as species: Dalla Torre, 1893: 104; Forel, 1899b: 59; Emery, 1915k: 71; Emery, 1921c: 65; Mann, 1922: 24; Kempf, 1972b: 23; Bolton, 1995b: 72; Longino & Cover, 2004: 10; Mackay & Dash, 2016: 8; Mackay & Mackay, 2017: 353 (redescription); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 799.