This history item belongs to Formica piniphila Schenck, 1852

Its current taxon owner(s) is Formica piniphila

Junior synonym of Formica rufa: Mayr, 1855: 328; Nylander, 1856b: 60; Smith, 1858a: 3; Roger, 1863b: 12; Mayr, 1863a: 420; Smith, 1871c: 1; Dours, 1873: 165; André, 1874c: 202 (in list); Forel, 1874: 98 (in list); Emery & Forel, 1879: 450; Dalla Torre, 1893: 208; Wheeler, 1913i: 425; Donisthorpe, 1915f: 245; Donisthorpe, 1927c: 286; Karavaiev, 1936: 240; Gösswald, 1941: 73; Yarrow, 1955a: 4; Betrem, 1960a: 131 (in text); Betrem, 1960b: 76 (in key); Dlussky, 1967a: 93; Bernard, 1967a: 308; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 222; Dlussky & Pisarski, 1971: 184; Pisarski, 1975: 48; Van Boven, 1977: 170; Kutter, 1977c: 273; Bolton, 1995b: 201; Czechowski et al., 2002: 71; Czechowski et al., 2012: 190; Radchenko, 2016: 284; Seifert, 2021: 152.

Junior synonym of {prott 163484}: {ref 127185}: 328; {ref 127565}: 60; {ref 128685}: 3; {ref 128094}: 12; {ref 127213}: 420; {ref 128709}: 1; {ref 124387}: 165; {ref 142477}: 202 (in list); {ref 124988}: 98 (in list); {ref 124778}: 450; {ref 124002}: 208; {ref 130081}: 425; {ref 124216}: 245; {ref 124250}: 286; {ref 126235}: 240; {ref 125562}: 73; {ref 130544}: 4; {ref 122710}: 131 (in text); {ref 122711}: 76 (in key); {ref 124136}: 93; {ref 122660}: 308; {ref 122478}: 222; {ref 124167}: 184; {ref 127821}: 48; {ref 122960}: 170; {ref 126740}: 273; {ref 122860}: 201; {ref 130994}: 71; {ref 142239}: 190; {ref 143043}: 284; {ref 143859}: 152.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-07-26
  • Updated at: 2021-04-28
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Formica piniphila Species Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Formica rufa Linnaeus, 1761
Other history items belonging to Formica piniphila
#295332 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Emery, 1916a: 256; Krausse, 1926b: 115; Van Boven, 1947b: 189 (in key).
#255344 Status as species: Bondroit, 1917a: 174; Bondroit, 1918: 57; Müller, 1923b: 143.
#255345 Subspecies of Formica rufa: Forel, 1915d: 57 (in key); Emery, 1925d: 253; Lomnicki, 1925a: 23 (in key); Stärcke, 1926a: 149 (in key); Stitz, 1939: 338; Consani & Zangheri, 1952: 45.
#255346 Junior synonym of Formica major: Betrem, 1953: 325.
#287070 (selected) Junior synonym of Formica rufa: Mayr, 1855: 328; Nylander, 1856b: 60; Smith, 1858a: 3; Roger, 1863b: 12; Mayr, 1863a: 420; Smith, 1871c: 1; Dours, 1873: 165; André, 1874c: 202 (in list); Forel, 1874: 98 (in list); Emery & Forel, 1879: 450; Dalla Torre, 1893: 208; Wheeler, 1913i: 425; Donisthorpe, 1915f: 245; Donisthorpe, 1927c: 286; Karavaiev, 1936: 240; Gösswald, 1941: 73; Yarrow, 1955a: 4; Betrem, 1960a: 131 (in text); Betrem, 1960b: 76 (in key); Dlussky, 1967a: 93; Bernard, 1967a: 308; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 222; Dlussky & Pisarski, 1971: 184; Pisarski, 1975: 48; Van Boven, 1977: 170; Kutter, 1977c: 273; Bolton, 1995b: 201; Czechowski et al., 2002: 71; Czechowski et al., 2012: 190; Radchenko, 2016: 284; Seifert, 2021: 152.