This history item belongs to Formica bicornis Foerster, 1850

Its current taxon owner(s) is Lasius bicornis

Senior synonym of Lasius bicornis neapolitana: Wilson, 1955a: 183; Bernard, 1967a: 365; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 211; Seifert, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1995b: 222.

Senior synonym of {prott 164558}: {ref 130343}: 183; {ref 122660}: 365; {ref 122478}: 211; {ref 128560}: 10; {ref 122860}: 222.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-07-27
  • Updated at: 2023-04-18
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Acanthomyops bicornis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lasius bicornis (Foerster, 1850)
Formica bicornis Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Lasius bicornis (Foerster, 1850)
Lasius bicornis Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Formica bicornis
#256963 Forel, 1874: 47 (w.); Forel, 1915d: 56 (m.); Borowiec & Salata, 2022: 215 (w.)
#256964 Combination in Lasius: Mayr, 1861: 51.
#308795 Combination in Lasius (Lasius): Forel, 1915d: 52.
#308796 Combination in Formicina: Emery, 1916b: 63; Bondroit, 1918: 34.
#286072 Combination in Formicina (Formicina): Emery, 1916a: 242; Menozzi, 1918: 87.
#308797 Combination in Chthonolasius: Kulmatycki, 1922: 79.
#286071 Combination in Acanthomyops: Ruzsky, 1925b: 45.
#308798 Combination in Acanthomyops (Chthonolasius): Donisthorpe, 1930d: 225; Donisthorpe, 1950e: 1064.
#286070 Combination in Lasius (Chthonolasius): Ruzsky, 1912: 633; Ruzsky, 1914a: 61; Emery, 1925d: 232; Wilson, 1955a: 183.
#256965 Subspecies of Lasius umbratus: Forel, 1874: 47; Emery & Forel, 1879: 453; Mayr, 1886d: 430; Forel, 1886h: 208; Emery, 1893m: 191 (footnote); Forel, 1904c: 387; Ruzsky, 1905b: 290; Bondroit, 1910: 485; Stitz, 1914: 87; Escherich, 1917: 333 (in key); Soudek, 1922b: 73; Karavaiev, 1927a: 301.
#256966 Status as species: Schenck, 1852: 128; Mayr, 1855: 369 (footnote); Smith, 1858a: 8; Mayr, 1863a: 425; Roger, 1863b: 12; Emery, 1869b: 9; André, 1882c: 196 (in key); Dalla Torre, 1893: 182; Ruzsky, 1902d: 15; Wasmann, 1906: 114 (in key); Bondroit, 1912: 352; Ruzsky, 1914a: 61; Forel, 1915d: 52 (in key); Emery, 1916a: 242; Bondroit, 1918: 34; Bondroit, 1920a: 144; Emery, 1922b: 13; Kulmatycki, 1922: 79; Emery, 1925d: 232; Karavaiev, 1926e: 195; Vandel, 1926: 197; Stärcke, 1926a: 122 (in key); Karavaiev, 1927d: 279 (in key); Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1929b: 37; Grandi, 1935: 103; Stärcke, 1937: 55; Stitz, 1939: 302; Novák & Sadil, 1941: 103 (in key); Stärcke, 1944b: 153; Ruzsky, 1946: 70; Donisthorpe, 1950e: 1064; Creighton, 1950a: 421; Wilson, 1955a: 183 (redescription); Collingwood, 1963b: 157 (in key); Samšiňák, 1964: 157; Bernard, 1967a: 365 (redescription); Cagniant, 1968a: 146; Kutter, 1968b: 61; Kutter, 1968c: 206; Cagniant, 1970c: 38; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 211; Collingwood, 1971: 166; Pisarski, 1975: 37; Van Boven, 1977: 149; Kutter, 1977c: 231; Arnol'di & Dlussky, 1978: 555 (in key); Collingwood, 1979: 105; Collingwood, 1982: 293; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987a: 58; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b: 282 (in key); Seifert, 1988a: 161 (redescription); Seifert, 1990: 10; Casevitz-Weulersse, 1990c: 434; Atanassov & Dlussky, 1992: 251; Arakelian, 1994: 118; Bolton, 1995b: 221; Douwes, 1995: 94; Poldi et al., 1995: 8; Espadaler, 1997g: 28; Gallé et al., 1998: 217; Czechowski et al., 2002: 116; Csősz & Markó, 2005: 231; Bračko, 2006: 148; Markó et al., 2006: 68; Petrov, 2006: 107 (in key); Bračko, 2007: 20; Seifert, 2007: 286; Werner & Wiezik, 2007: 142; Gratiashvili & Barjadze, 2008: 135; Casevitz-Weulersse & Galkowski, 2009: 483; Lapeva-Gjonova et al., 2010: 36; Boer, 2010: 38; Csősz et al., 2011: 58; Legakis, 2011: 26; Borowiec & Salata, 2012: 498; Czechowski et al., 2012: 285; Kiran & Karaman, 2012: 12; Bharti & Gul, 2013a: 56 (in key); Borowiec, 2014: 84; Bharti et al., 2016: 27; Lebas et al., 2016: 206; Radchenko, 2016: 378; Steiner et al., 2017: 10; Salata & Borowiec, 2018c: 45; Seifert, 2018: 290; Werner et al., 2018: 6; Borowiec & Salata, 2022: 215; Bračko, 2023: 140.
#256967 Senior synonym of Lasius incisus: Smith, 1858a: 8; Roger, 1863b: 12; Forel, 1874: 97 (in list); Emery & Forel, 1879: 453 (footnote); Dalla Torre, 1893: 182; Ruzsky, 1905b: 290; Forel, 1915d: 52 (in key); Emery, 1916a: 242; Emery, 1922b: 13; Soudek, 1922b: 73; Emery, 1925d: 232; Stärcke, 1937: 55; Seifert, 1988a: 161; Seifert, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1995b: 222; Radchenko, 2016: 378.
#287704 Senior synonym of Lasius bicornis kashmirensis: Wilson, 1955a: 183; Bolton, 1995b: 222; Radchenko, 2016: 378.
#287705 Senior synonym of Lasius microgyna: Vandel, 1926: 197; Wilson, 1955a: 183; Bernard, 1967a: 365; Seifert, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1995b: 222; Casevitz-Weulersse & Galkowski, 2009: 483; Radchenko, 2016: 378.
#288736 (selected) Senior synonym of Lasius bicornis neapolitana: Wilson, 1955a: 183; Bernard, 1967a: 365; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 211; Seifert, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1995b: 222.
#288735 Senior synonym of Lasius oertzeni: Wilson, 1955a: 183; Bernard, 1967a: 365; Seifert, 1990: 10; Bolton, 1995b: 222; Legakis, 2011: 26; Radchenko, 2016: 378.