This history item belongs to Myrmica (Monomorium) lineolata Buckley, 1867
Its current taxon owner(s) is Myrmica lineolata
Status as species: Cresson, 1887: 262; Dalla Torre, 1893: 111.
Status as species: {ref 123936}: 262; {ref 124002}: 111.
Myrmica lineolata | Species | Unidentifiable |
#261098 | [Unresolved junior primary homonym of Crematogaster lineolata (Bolton, 1995b: 280).] |
#289492 | Combination in Monomorium: Cresson, 1887: 262. |
#289493 (selected) | Status as species: Cresson, 1887: 262; Dalla Torre, 1893: 111. |
#261099 | Unidentifiable to genus: Wheeler, 1902g: 27. |
#289494 | Unidentifiable taxon; incertae sedis in Myrmicinae: Smith, 1951c: 833; Smith, 1979: 1414. |
#289495 | Unidentifiable taxon; incertae sedis in Myrmica: Bolton, 1995b: 280. |