Closed issue: Unknown reference author (with bounty)
Added by Fredrik Palmkron about 5 years ago — Closed by Brian Fisher

I set the author of Unknown, 1902 to "Unknown" so that we can add validation for author names. It was the only non-missing reference without an author.

At my work, I have put a bounty on finding the correct author, so I might as well offer the same bounty to AntCat editors.

Bounty: 1 Standard Bounty (1 beer/candy/snacks equivalence) Claimed by Brian


Brian Fisher commented about 5 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron Rusky:
Ruzsky, M. 1902e. Formicidae (pp. 15-16). In Dopolneniya k spiskam zhivotnykh' Moskovskoi gubernii. Izvestiya Imperatorskago Obshchestva Lyubitelei Estestvoznaniya, Antropologii i Etnografi 98. (Trudy Zoologicheskago Otdeleniya Obshchestva 13.) Dnevnikh' Zoologicheskago Otdeleniya 3 (No. 4): 6-18. [(31.xii).1902.]

Fredrik Palmkron commented about 5 years ago:

@Brian Fisher Nice! You'll receive the bounty next time we meet up.