Closed issue: Create missing nested references
Added by Fredrik Palmkron over 4 years ago — Closed by Fredrik Palmkron

We want to map all 'scientific claims' to a single Reference record.

Since there are 200+ "Brown, in Bolton, 1995b", I added a column for "Replace with reference ID" so we can replace them by script once we have the ID of the target NestedReference record. This only works if all hardcoded nested references should be replaced with the same reference, so we need to confirm that that's the case too (edit this issue to add IDs).

Missing nested reference Replace with reference ID Fixed
Brown, in Bolton, 1994 Brown, 1994 Yes
Brown, in Bolton, 1995b Brown, 1995a Yes
Brown, in Borgmeier, 1957a Brown, 1957k Yes
Brown, in Linsley & Usinger, 1966 Brown, 1966a Yes
Brown, in Ettershank, 1966 Brown, 1966d Yes
Brown, in Wilson, 1958c Brown, 1958k Yes
Emery, in Dalla Torre, 1893 Emery, 1893m Yes
Emery, in Mayr, 1895 Emery, 1895o Yes
Emery, in Forel, 1902i Emery, 1902d Yes
Fernández, in Heterick, 2006 Fernández, 2006b Yes
Shattuck, in Bolton, 2000 Shattuck, 2000 Yes
Shattuck, in Heterick & Shattuck, 2011 Shattuck, 2011 Yes
Shuckard, in Swainson & Shuckard, 1840 Shuckard, 1840e Yes

Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago:

@Brian Fisher This is what we want, right?

If we want to show "Brown, in Bolton, 1995b", then we can come up with something new, like always expanding ref tags of nested references to display with the "in" (except for author citations), or a new tag type like {refin 123}.

Brian Fisher commented over 4 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron I think this is what we want; I am glad there are not that many that need to be created.

Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago:

There are a couple more not in the table, but not too many.

Brian Fisher commented over 4 years ago:

@Fredrik Palmkron The references above are ready to fix via script

Fredrik Palmkron commented over 4 years ago:

Done, great work, closing.
