Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Perissomyrmex snyderi Smith, 1947i 282, figs. 1, 2 w. GUATEMALA
Peronomyrmex Viehmeyer, 1922 212
Peronomyrmex bartoni Shattuck & Hinkley, 2002 104, figs. 1, 2 w. AUSTRALIA (Victoria)
Peronomyrmex greavesi Shattuck, 2006 53, figs. 5-7 w. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Peronomyrmex overbecki Viehmeyer, 1922 213, fig. 2 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Petalomyrmex Snelling, 1979b 5
Petalomyrmex phylax Snelling, 1979b 5, figs. 1-7 w.q.m. CAMEROON
Petraeomyrmex Carpenter, 1930 55
Petraeomyrmex minimus Carpenter, 1930 55, pl. 4, fig. 2 q. U.S.A. (Colorado, Florissant, late Eocene, Priabonian)
Petropone Dlussky, 1975a 119
Petropone petiolata Dlussky, 1975a 119, fig. 131 w. KAZAKHSTAN (Kzyl-Zhar, Cretaceous)
Phacota Roger, 1862b 260
Phacota noualhieri Emery, 1895n 67, fig. 1a-d w. ALGERIA
Phacota sichelii Roger, 1862b 262, pl. 1, fig. 20 w. SPAIN
Phalacromyrmecini Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988 80
Phalacromyrmex Kempf, 1960b 89
Phalacromyrmex fugax Kempf, 1960b 90, figs. 1-6 w. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina)
Pharaophanes Bernard, 1967a 168 (attributed to Santschi) [as subgenus of Monomorium]
Phasmomyrmex Stitz, 1910 146
Phasmomyrmex (Myrmorhachis) paradoxus var. cupreus Santschi, 1923e 293 w. CONGO
Phasmomyrmex buchneri var. griseus Santschi, 1937b 103 w. CAMEROON
Phasmomyrmex sericeus Stitz, 1910 146, fig. 11 w. CAMEROON
Phaulomyrma Wheeler & Wheeler, 1930 193
Phaulomyrma javana Wheeler & Wheeler, 1930 193, figs. 1, 2C m. INDONESIA (Java)
Pheidolacanthinus Smith, 1865a 75
Pheidolacanthinus armatus Smith, 1865a 75, pl. 4, fig. 8 s. INDONESIA (Salawati)
Pheidolacanthinus laevifrons Smith, 1873 ix INDIA Attributed to Mayr.
Pheidole Westwood, 1839a 219
Pheidole (Allopheidole) centeotl Wheeler, 1914c 46 s.w.q. MEXICO (Hidalgo)
Pheidole (Allopheidole) cuitensis r. reddenburgensis Forel, 1913a 135 s.w.q.m. SOUTH AFRICA
Pheidole (Allopheidole) vinelandica var. nebrascensis Forel, 1922b 92 s.w.q. U.S.A. (Nebraska)
Pheidole (Cardiopheidole) vasliti var. acolhua Wheeler, 1914c 48 s.w.q.m. MEXICO (Hidalgo)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) bluntschlii Forel, 1911f 373 w. INDONESIA (Sumatra)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) clydei Gregg, 1950 89, fig. 1 w. U.S.A. (New Mexico)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) emmae Forel, 1905f 20 w. INDONESIA (Java)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) granulata Pergande, 1896 890 s. MEXICO (Nayarit)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) grundmanni Smith, 1953e 144, fig. 1 w. U.S.A. (Utah)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) hecate subsp. bruesi Wheeler, 1917g 460 s.w. JAMAICA
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) hecate subsp. malevola Wheeler, 1911a 27 s.w. JAMAICA
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) smythiesii Forel, 1902c 165 (diagnosis in key), 185 s.w.q.m. INDIA (Assam)
Pheidole (Ceratopheidole) smythiesii var. bengalensis Forel, 1902c 186 w. INDIA (West Bengal)
Pheidole (Decapheidole) zeteki Smith, 1947h 194 w. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) aberrans st. weiseri Santschi, 1923d 64 s.w.q. ARGENTINA (Jujuy)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) aberrans var. diversiceps Santschi, 1916e 374 s.w.q. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) aberrans var. fartilia Forel, 1913m 233 s. ARGENTINA (Jujuy)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) aberrans var. minensis Santschi, 1923d 64 s.q.m. BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) aberrans var. obscurifrons Santschi, 1925e 158 s.w. ARGENTINA (Santa Fe)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) ambonensis Karavaiev, 1930a 209 w.q. INDONESIA (Ambon)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) cavifrons st. longior Santschi, 1933f 110, figs. 1-3 s.w. ARGENTINA (Misiones)
Pheidole (Elasmopheidole) cavifrons var. fuscipunctis Santschi, 1916e 374, fig. s.w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)