Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Solenopsis (Solenopsis) gayi subsp. bruesi Creighton, 1930b 52, pl. 4, figs. 4, 5 w. PERU
Solenopsis (Solenopsis) pythia Santschi, 1934c 30 q. ARGENTINA (Misiones)
Solenopsis (Synsolenopsis) bruchi Forel, 1918b 156 q. ARGENTINA (Córdoba)
Solenopsis (Synsolenopsis) photophila Santschi, 1923c 250, fig. 1 s.w. ARGENTINA (Entre Ríos)
Solenopsis abdita Thompson, 1989 275, figs. 1-4 w.q.m. U.S.A. (Florida)
Solenopsis abjectior Pacheco & Mackay, 2013 105, figs. 22, 23, map 2 w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis albidula Emery, 1906c 129, fig. 12 w.q.m. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis albidula var. flava Santschi, 1929d 298 w.q. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis albidula var. postbrunnea Forel, 1913m 220 w. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Solenopsis alena Özdikmen, 2010c 992 GERMANY (Eocene/Oligocene boundary)
Solenopsis altinodis Forel, 1912h 10 w. VENEZUELA
Solenopsis altipunctata Gotzek et al., 2007 4, fig. 2.
Solenopsis amia Forel, 1913g 191 q. TAIWAN
Solenopsis amica Eidmann, 1936a 46 w.q. BRAZIL
Solenopsis andina Santschi, 1923c 262, fig. 3a,b w. ARGENTINA (Jujuy)
Solenopsis angulata Emery, 1894h 393 (footnote) w.q. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul)
Solenopsis angulata r. carettei Forel, 1913m 223 w. ARGENTINA (Mendoza)
Solenopsis angulata r. carettei var. mendozensis Forel, 1913m 223 w. ARGENTINA (Mendoza)
Solenopsis angulata r. huasanensis Forel, 1912h 8 w. ARGENTINA (Catamarca)
Solenopsis angulata r. mendozensis Forel, 1914d 277 w. ARGENTINA (Mendoza)
Solenopsis angulata r. nigelloides Forel, 1913m 223 w.q.m. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis angulata st. carettei var. ardua Santschi, 1929d 298 w.q. BRAZIL (Paraná)
Solenopsis angulata var. dolichops Emery, 1906c 123 w.q. ARGENTINA (Chubut)
Solenopsis armata Rothney, 1903 98
Solenopsis atavinus Perfilieva et al., 2017 396, fig. 4, pl. 7, fig. 3 q. RUSSIA (Crimea, Miocene)
Solenopsis aurea subsp. amblychila Wheeler, 1915b 394 w.q.m. U.S.A. (Arizona)
Solenopsis azteca Forel, 1893j 390 w. ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent)
Solenopsis azteca var. pallida Wheeler, 1908a 131 w. PUERTO RICO
Solenopsis bakri Sharaf, 2007b 242, figs. 11-16 w.q.m. EGYPT
Solenopsis balachowskyi Bernard, 1959a 346, fig. 3 w.q.m. FRANCE (Hyères Is)
Solenopsis basalis Forel, 1895c 178 w. BRAZIL (Rio de Janeiro)
Solenopsis basalis r. oculatior Forel, 1913m 220 w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis basalis var. major Forel, 1913m 220 w.q. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis basalis var. raptor Santschi, 1919f 42 w. ARGENTINA (Buenos Aires)
Solenopsis basalis var. urichi Forel, 1912h 6 w.q. TRINIDAD, ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent I.)
Solenopsis basalis var. vittata Forel, 1912h 6 w. BRAZIL (Ceará)
Solenopsis belisarius Forel, 1907j 278 w.m. AUSTRALIA (Western Australia)
Solenopsis blumi Buren, 1972 20, fig. 5 w. URUGUAY
Solenopsis bondari Santschi, 1925d 236 w. BRAZIL (Bahia)
Solenopsis brasiliana Santschi, 1925d 235 w. BRAZIL (Bahia)
Solenopsis brevicornis Emery, 1888c 356 w.q. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul)
Solenopsis brevicornis var. medioclara Santschi, 1923c 254 w. BRAZIL (Minas Gerais)
Solenopsis brevicornis var. petropolitana Borgmeier, 1928a 35, figs. 1-3 w. BRAZIL (Rio de Janeiro)
Solenopsis brevipes Emery, 1906c 135, fig. 16 w. ARGENTINA (Entre Ríos)
Solenopsis bruchiella Emery, 1922c 199
Solenopsis bucki Kempf, 1973a 30, figs. 1-3 w. BRAZIL (Rio Grande do Sul)
Solenopsis calida Smith, 1863a 22 q. INDONESIA (Seram)
Solenopsis capensis Mayr, 1866b 905 q. SOUTH AFRICA
Solenopsis castor Forel, 1893j 391 w.q. ST VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES (St Vincent)
Solenopsis cephalotes Smith, 1859a 149 s.w. INDONESIA (Aru Is)