Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Triglyphothrix menkaura Bolton, 1976 328, figs. 41, 46, 47, 55 w.q. GHANA
Triglyphothrix meshena Bolton, 1976 353, figs. 51, 67 w. WEST MALAYSIA
Triglyphothrix microps Mayr, 1901b 25 w.q. SOUTH AFRICA
Triglyphothrix minima Bolton, 1976 330 w. GHANA
Triglyphothrix monardi Santschi, 1937d 232, figs. 1, 2 w. ANGOLA
Triglyphothrix mucidus Forel, 1909b 71 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Triglyphothrix musculus Forel, 1902c 239 w. INDIA (Tamil Nadu)
Triglyphothrix nacta Bolton, 1976 353 w. THAILAND
Triglyphothrix nion Bernard, 1953b 248, fig. 14B w. GUINEA
Triglyphothrix osiris Bolton, 1976 332, fig. 61 w. GHANA
Triglyphothrix pacifica Mann, 1921 460 w.q. FIJI IS (Viti Levu)
Triglyphothrix parvispina Emery, 1893g 214 (diagnosis in key) w. BORNEO (Indonesia: Kalimantan, Laut I.)
Triglyphothrix parvispina var. formosae Forel, 1912a 52 w. TAIWAN
Triglyphothrix pauper Santschi, 1917b 286 w. ZIMBABWE
Triglyphothrix pnyxis Bolton, 1976 356, fig. 70 w. WEST MALAYSIA
Triglyphothrix pulchella Mann, 1919 352, fig. 31 w.q. SOLOMON IS (Malaita I.)
Triglyphothrix pulcherrima Donisthorpe, 1945c 76 w. UGANDA
Triglyphothrix reptana Bolton, 1976 334 w. UGANDA
Triglyphothrix rossi Bolton, 1976 357 w.q. INDIA (Kerala)
Triglyphothrix rothschildi Forel, 1907f 134 w. ETHIOPIA
Triglyphothrix silvestrii Emery, 1915e 17, fig. 8 w. ERITREA
Triglyphothrix striatidens r. orissana Forel, 1902c 239 w. INDIA (Odisha)
Triglyphothrix striatidens var. australis Forel, 1902j 449 w.q. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Triglyphothrix striatidens var. felix Forel, 1912l 160 w. SEYCHELLES IS (Silhouette I., Félicité I., Mahé I.)
Triglyphothrix striatidens var. flavescens Wheeler, 1929h 55 w. SINGAPORE
Triglyphothrix striatidens var. laevidens Forel, 1900h 284 w. MEXICO
Triglyphothrix talpa Bolton, 1976 336 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Triglyphothrix thoth Bolton, 1976 337 w. SOUTH AFRICA
Triglyphothrix tricolor Donisthorpe, 1948g 136 w.q. NEW GUINEA (Indonesia)
Triglyphothrix trimeni Emery, 1895i 40 w.q. SOUTH AFRICA
Triglyphothrix vombis Bolton, 1976 358, fig. 73 w.q. SOLOMON IS (Ugi I.)
Triglyphothrix walshi Forel, 1890c cvii w.q. INDIA (West Bengal, Maharashtra)
Triglyphothrix walshi var. spuria Forel, 1912o 58 w. SINGAPORE, SRI LANKA
Triglyphothrix yarthiella Bolton, 1976 338 w. ZAMBIA
Trigonogaster Forel, 1890c cviii
Trigonogaster recurvispinosa subsp. kemneri Wheeler & Wheeler, 1954a 133 l. INDONESIA (Java)
Trigonogaster recurvispinosus Forel, 1890c cix, fig. w. INDIA (Maharashtra)
Tropidomyrmex Silva et al., 2009 34, figs. 1-11
Tropidomyrmex elianae Silva et al., 2009 39, figs. 1-11 w.q.m.l. BRAZIL (Mato Grosso)
Turneria Forel, 1895g 419
Turneria arbusta Shattuck, 1990 106, figs. 4, 5 w.q.m. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea)
Turneria bidentata Forel, 1895g 419 w. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Turneria butteli Forel, 1913l 92 q. INDONESIA (Sumatra)
Turneria collina Shattuck, 1990 109, figs. 8, 9 w. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea)
Turneria dahlii Forel, 1901c 17 w. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago)
Turneria frenchi Forel, 1911b 207 (footnote) w. AUSTRALIA
Turneria pacifica Mann, 1919 361, figs. 39, 40 w. SOLOMON IS (Santa Cruz I.)
Turneria postomma Shattuck, 1990 112, figs. 15, 16 w. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea)
Turneria rosschinga Shattuck, 2011b 127, figs. 5-10 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Tylolasius Zhang, 1989 295