Title A taxonomic study of the genus Pachycondyla Smith in China (Hyminoptera [sic]: Formicidae: Ponerinae).
Pagination Pp. 103-112 in:
Year 1995b ("1994")
Date 1995-04-01
Type Nested reference
Bolton key Xu 1995b
Nested in Xi et al., 1995
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Public notes Published in the preceding book (ISBN 7-5613-1242-3/Q 13). Article cited in Zoological Record (volume 133), but with incorrect year of publication. A second version of this paper was published in 1996 in Zoological Research (vol. 17, pp. 211-216) (pdf of 1996 linked to this reference).
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Ectomomyrmex lobocarenus Xu, 1995b 109, figs. 15, 16 Species Valid
Ectomomyrmex zhengi Xu, 1995b 110, figs. 19, 20 Species Valid
Pachycondyla lobocarena Xu, 1995b 109, figs. 15, 16 Species Obsolete combination Original combination
Pachycondyla zhengi Xu, 1995b 110, figs. 19, 20 Species Obsolete combination Original combination