Id Table Field Owner Taxt
2130 reference_sections references_taxt Forelius Emery, 1913a: 35 (diagnosis); Gallardo, 1916b: 74 (Argentina species key); Creighton, 1950a: 343 (Nearctic species, review); Kusnezov, 1957e: 16 (Neotropical species key); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 56 (U.S.A., Nevada species key); Shattuck, 1992c: 87 (diagnosis, review of genus); Bolton, 1995a: 1049 (census); Cuezzo, 2000: 197 (diagnosis, all species revision, key); Mackay & Mackay, 2002: 227 (U.S.A., New Mexico species key); Guerrero & Fernández, 2008: 58 (addition to key); Baccaro et al., 2015: 136 (genus in Brazil); Cantone, 2017: 117 (brief male diagnosis); Guerrero, 2019: 710 (Colombia species key); Guerrero, 2021: 429 (morphological traits of Neotropical Tapinoma versus Neotropical Forelius).
2543 reference_sections references_taxt Tapinoma Mayr, 1855: 372 (diagnosis); Smith, 1858a: 55 (diagnosis); Mayr, 1865: 10 (diagnosis); Mayr, 1867a: 78 (diagnosis); André, 1882c: 222 (Europe & Algeria species key); Bingham, 1903: 304 (India, Sri Lanka & Burma species key); Emery, 1913a: 38 (diagnosis); Emery, 1913a: 44 (Semonius diagnosis); Arnold, 1915: 152, 157 (diagnosis, South Africa species key, Semonius diagnosis); Emery, 1916a: 216 (Italy species key); Wheeler, 1922: 208 (diagnosis); Wheeler, 1922: 695 (Pseudaphomomyrmex diagnosis, in key); Emery, 1925b: 63 (Palaearctic species key); Kuznetsov-Ugamsky, 1927d: 33 (Turkestan species key); Smith, 1928a: 311 (North America species key); Kratochvíl et al., 1944: 79 (Czechoslovakia species key); Creighton, 1950a: 352 (Nearctic species key); Bernard, 1967a: 254 (diagnosis, Western Europe species key); Boven, 1970b: 24 (Netherlands species key); Tarbinsky, 1976: 118 (Kyrgyzstan species key); Kutter, 1977c: 178 (Switzerland species key); Arnol'di & Dlussky, 1978: 547 (former European U.S.S.R. species key); Collingwood, 1978: 87 (Iberian Peninsula species key); Schembri & Collingwood, 1981: 421 (Malta species key); Gösswald, 1985: 317 (Germany species key); Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b: 279 (Balkans species key); Dlussky et al., 1990: 168 (Turkmenistan species key); Shattuck, 1992c: 146 (diagnosis, review of genus); Arakelian, 1994: 72 (Armenia species key); Bolton, 1995a: 1053 (census); Wu & Wang, 1995a: 116 (China species key); Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 360 (Saudi Arabia species key); Seifert, 1996b: 165 (Central Europe species key); Skinner & Allen, 1996: 40 (Britain species key); Collingwood & Prince, 1998: 20 (Portugal species key); Shattuck, 1999: 81 (Australia synopsis); Zhou, 2001a: 151 (China, Guangxi species key); Czechowski et al., 2002: 135 (Poland species key); Seifert, 2007: 149 (North and Central Europe species key); Heterick, 2009: 58 (south-western Australia species key); Yoshimura & Fisher, 2011: 13 (Malagasy males); Seifert, 2012a: 146 (Central Europe species key); Sharaf et al., 2012a: 40 (Saudi Arabia species key); Czechowski et al., 2012: 357 (Poland species key); Sarnat & Economo, 2012: 37 (Fiji Is species key); Bharti et al., 2013: 304 (Tapinoma lugubre species-group key); Baccaro et al., 2015: 142 (genus in Brazil); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 423 (diagnosis); Radchenko, 2016: 87 (Ukraine species key); Seifert et al., 2017: 123 (Tapinoma nigerrimum complex revision, key); Cantone, 2017: 123 (brief male diagnosis); García-Avendaño & Guerrero, 2018: 224 (Colombia species key); Guerrero, 2019: 716 (Colombia species key); Guerrero, 2021: 429 (morphological traits of Neotropical Tapinoma versus Neotropical Forelius); Al-Keridis et al., 2021: 234 (Arabian queens key); Heterick, 2021: 54 (Western Australia species key); Abdel-Dayem et al., 2021: 19 (Arabia species key); Sharaf & Aldawood, 2022: 5 (worker-based key to Arabian species); Seifert, 2022: 43 (provisional key to Oriental and Australian-Polynesian species); Borowiec & Salata, 2022: 42 (diagnosis, key to Greece species); Seifert et al., 2024: 16 (Palaearctic species revision, worker-based key); Cover & Rabeling, 2024: 113 (queen-based key to Nearctic species north of Mexico), 115 (male-based key to Nearctic species north of Mexico); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 304 (Malagasy region male diagnosis); Shakur et al., 2024: 5 (worker-based Tapinoma lugubre group key).
174988 protonyms primary_type_information_taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Guerrero, 2021: 430). Primary type locality: lectotype Chile: Valparaiso (Hoffmann). Primary type depository: MHNG.
271494 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Material of the nomen nudum Forelius eidmanni referred here by Menozzi, 1935c: 321; Goetsch & Menozzi, 1935: 98; Kempf, 1970a: 28; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 90; Shattuck, 1994: 141; Bolton, 1995b: 399; Guerrero, 2021: 430.
271530 history_items taxt Protonym: Forelius eidmanni Material referred to Forelius antarcticus by Menozzi, 1935c: 321; Goetsch & Menozzi, 1935: 98; Kempf, 1970a: 28; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 90; Shattuck, 1994: 141; Bolton, 1995b: 400; Guerrero, 2021: 430.
271553 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma fazi Junior synonym of Forelius antarcticus: Menozzi, 1935c: 321; Kempf, 1970a: 28; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 90; Shattuck, 1994: 141; Bolton, 1995b: 400; Guerrero, 2021: 430.
287008 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Senior synonym of Forelius fazi: Menozzi, 1935c: 321; Kempf, 1970a: 28; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 90; Shattuck, 1994: 141; Bolton, 1995b: 399; Guerrero, 2021: 430.
293385 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma fazi Combination in Forelius: Guerrero, 2021: 430
293386 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Combination in Forelius: Guerrero, 2021: 430.
293387 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Lectotype designation: Guerrero, 2021: 430.
293388 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma antarcticum Status as species: Emery, 1906c: 177; Emery, 1913a: 41; Menozzi, 1935c: 321; Goetsch & Menozzi, 1935: 98; Kempf, 1970a: 28; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 90; Shattuck, 1994: 141; Bolton, 1995b: 399; Guerrero, 2021: 430 (redescription).
293389 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Lectotype designation: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293390 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Status as species: Emery, 1913a: 41; Borgmeier, 1923: 100; Kempf, 1972b: 247; Shattuck, 1994: 145; Bolton, 1995b: 400; Guerrero, 2021: 433 (redescription).
293391 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Combination in Forelius: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293392 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Senior synonym of Forelius pusillus: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293393 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Senior synonym of Forelius heyeri risii: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293394 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri Senior synonym of Forelius tucumanus: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293395 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri var. risii Combination in Forelius: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293397 history_items taxt Protonym: Tapinoma heyeri var. risii Junior synonym of Forelius heyeri: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293400 history_items taxt Protonym: Forelius breviscapus var. pusilla Junior synonym of Forelius heyeri: Guerrero, 2021: 433.
293402 history_items taxt Protonym: Neoforelius tucumanus Junior synonym of Forelius heyeri: Guerrero, 2021: 433.