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AntCatBot added the subspecies Messor barbarus structor to the species Messor barbarus
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Messor barbarus capitatus to the species Messor barbarus
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Messor barbarus rufitarsis to the species Messor barbarus
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptothorax bucheti tuneticus to the species Temnothorax bucheti
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial (taxon has soft-validation issues), see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptothorax pergandei floridanus to the species Leptothorax pergandei
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptothorax tuberum unifasciatus to the species Leptothorax tuberum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptothorax Rottenbergi scabrosus to the species Temnothorax rottenbergii
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial (taxon has soft-validation issues), see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptothorax acervorum canadensis to the species Leptothorax acervorum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptogenys kitteli levis to the species Leptogenys kitteli
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Leptogenys stuhlmanni camerunensis to the species Leptogenys stuhlmanni
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Lasius umbratus distinguendus to the species Lasius umbratus
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Iridomyrmex anceps papuanus to the species Iridomyrmex anceps
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Iridomyrmex gracilis papuanus to the species Iridomyrmex gracilis
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Hypoponera punctatissima jugata to the species Hypoponera punctatissima
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Formica rufibarbis clara to the species Formica rufibarbis
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Formica microgyna rasilis to the species Formica microgyna
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Formica sanguinea rubicunda to the species Formica sanguinea
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Formica sanguinea subintegra to the species Formica sanguinea
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Formica rufibarbis subpilosa to the species Formica rufibarbis
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Dorymyrmex tener richteri to the species Dorymyrmex tener
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Diacamma rugosum sculpturatum to the species Diacamma rugosum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Diacamma rugosum hortensis to the species Diacamma rugosum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Diacamma rugosum geometricum to the species Diacamma rugosum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Diacamma rugosum vagans to the species Diacamma rugosum
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Cyphomyrmex rimosus minutus to the species Cyphomyrmex rimosus
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Crematogaster brevispinosa moelleri to the species Crematogaster brevispinosa
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Crematogaster brevispinosa sericea to the species Crematogaster brevispinosa
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Crematogaster lineolata cerasi to the species Crematogaster lineolata
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Crematogaster auberti laestrygon to the species Crematogaster auberti
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago
AntCatBot added the subspecies Crematogaster dohrni rogenhoferi to the species Crematogaster dohrni
Edit summary: Reified missing subspecies for quadrinomial, see GitHub #819
History about 5 years ago