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Flávia Esteves deleted the species Camponotus flavonitidus History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Novomessor cockerelli History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Novomessor cockerelli History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244387 belonging to Novomessor cockerelli History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Novomessor sonorae History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #277216 belonging to Novomessor sonorae History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Novomessor sonorae History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the species Camponotus turkestanus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #249286 belonging to Camponotus turkestanus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #249286 belonging to Camponotus turkestanus History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Novomessor sonorae to the genus Novomessor History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #249286 belonging to Camponotus turkestanus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Camponotus maculatus ruzskyi History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Camponotus maculatus ruzskyi History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Camponotus maculatus ruzskyi History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #248740 belonging to Camponotus maculatus ruzskyi History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Camponotus rectus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Camponotus lateralis rectus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #248601 belonging to Camponotus lateralis rectus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #248601 belonging to Camponotus lateralis rectus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Camponotus lateralis var. rectus History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Lioponera longitarsus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Camponotus lateralis rectus History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Chrysapace jacobsoni History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the species Camponotites pictus History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #248386 belonging to Camponotites pictus History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Bothroponera berthoudi History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #276558 belonging to Bothroponera berthoudi History about 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #276558 belonging to Bothroponera berthoudi History about 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the species Camponotus obsoleta History about 7 years ago