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Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis haddoni rufonigra History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis picta palliata History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis lienosa History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis picta lepida History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis jocosa History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis diademata dubia History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis picta bimaculata History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Opisthopsis picta bimaculata History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Gerontoformica contega History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the history item #276015 belonging to Gerontoformica contega History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Gerontoformica robusta History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the history item #276021 belonging to Gerontoformica robusta History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Gerontoformica rugosa History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the history item #276022 belonging to Gerontoformica rugosa History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Gerontoformica pilosa History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the history item #276020 belonging to Gerontoformica pilosa History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Gerontoformica magna History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the history item #276017 belonging to Gerontoformica magna History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the genus Heeridris History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the genus Heeridris History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis picta History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis maura History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis jocosa History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Opisthopsis diademata History over 7 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Opisthopsis History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Heeridris croatica History over 7 years ago
Vincent Perrichot edited the species Heeridris croatica History over 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Formica glebaria Gerardi History over 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Formica fusca subsp. glebaria var. gerardi History over 7 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Formica fusca subsp. glebaria var. gerardi History over 7 years ago