This history item belongs to Myrmica angustula Nylander, 1856
Its current taxon owner(s) is Temnothorax angustulus
Status as species: Smith, 1858a: 117; Mayr, 1861: 59 (in key); Roger, 1863b: 26; Mayr, 1863a: 427; Emery, 1869b: 14; Dours, 1873: 168; André, 1874b: 189 (in key); Emery, 1878: 51; Emery & Forel, 1879: 459; André, 1883a: 301 (in key); De Stefani, 1889: 145; Dalla Torre, 1893: 123; Forel, 1894d: 37; Forel, 1907e: 206; Emery, 1916a: 175; Bondroit, 1918: 136; Menozzi, 1921: 28; Müller, 1923b: 87 (in key); Emery, 1924f: 252; Kutter, 1927a: 100; Finzi, 1933: 164; Zimmermann, 1935: 31; Finzi, 1940: 161; Bernard, 1956a: 161; Ceballos, 1956: 306; Baroni Urbani, 1964c: 155; Cagniant, 1964: 89; Bernard, 1967a: 202 (redescription); Collingwood & Yarrow, 1969: 69; Cagniant, 1970a: 420; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 103; Collingwood, 1978: 84 (in key); Schembri & Collingwood, 1981: 431; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987a: 55; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b: 274 (in key); Casevitz-Weulersse, 1990c: 418 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 235; Poldi et al., 1995: 4; Schembri & Collingwood, 1995: 155; Espadaler, 1997g: 30; Bolton, 2003: 271; Bračko, 2006: 140; Petrov, 2006: 96 (in key); Borowiec, 2014: 171 (see note in bibliography); Galkowski & Lebas, 2016: 84 (in key); Lebas et al., 2016: 344; Galkowski & Cagniant, 2017: 185 (redescription).
Status as species: {ref 128685}: 117; {ref 127189}: 59 (in key); {ref 128094}: 26; {ref 127213}: 427; {ref 124512}: 14; {ref 124387}: 168; {ref 142475}: 189 (in key); {ref 132996}: 51; {ref 124778}: 459; {ref 122253}: 301 (in key); {ref 124050}: 145; {ref 124002}: 123; {ref 125061}: 37; {ref 125172}: 206; {ref 124734}: 175; {ref 122872}: 136; {ref 127311}: 28; {ref 127478}: 87 (in key); {ref 124769}: 252; {ref 126702}: 100; {ref 124916}: 164; {ref 130613}: 31; {ref 124939}: 161; {ref 122643}: 161; {ref 123569}: 306; {ref 122463}: 155; {ref 123447}: 89; {ref 122660}: 202 (redescription); {ref 123816}: 69; {ref 123462}: 420; {ref 122478}: 103; {ref 123763}: 84 (in key); {ref 128469}: 431; {ref 122148}: 55; {ref 122149}: 274 (in key); {ref 123553}: 418 (in key); {ref 122860}: 235; {ref 127868}: 4; {ref 128470}: 155; {ref 131202}: 30; {ref 130789}: 271; {ref 132800}: 140; {ref 132014}: 96 (in key); {ref 142632}: 171 (see note in bibliography); {ref 143012}: 84 (in key); {ref 143395}: 344; {ref 143142}: 185 (redescription).
Leptothorax angustulus | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Temnothorax angustulus (Nylander, 1856)
Leptothorax tuberum angustulus | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Temnothorax angustulus (Nylander, 1856)
Myrmica angustula | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Temnothorax angustulus (Nylander, 1856)
Temnothorax angustulus | Species | Valid |