This history item belongs to Myrmica cerasi Fitch, 1855
Its current taxon owner(s) is Crematogaster cerasi
Senior synonym of Crematogaster kennedyi: Buren, in Smith, 1958c: 125; Smith, 1979: 1378; Bolton, 1995b: 150; Coovert, 2005: 60; Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 91; Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 912.
Senior synonym of {tax 435619}: Buren, in {ref 128854}: 125; {ref 128659}: 1378; {ref 122860}: 150; {ref 143326}: 60; {ref 143073}: 91; {ref 143965}: 912.
Crematogaster cerasi | Species | Valid |
Crematogaster lineolata cerasi | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch, 1855)
Myrmica cerasi | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch, 1855)