This history item belongs to Myrmica cerasi Fitch, 1855

Its current taxon owner(s) is Crematogaster cerasi

Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 37; Mayr, 1863a: 432; Cresson, 1887: 262; Buren, in Smith, 1958c: 125; Carter, 1962a: 6 (in list); Smith, 1967a: 356; Buren, 1968b: 92, 95 (in key); Francoeur, 1977b: 207; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1977b: 2; Smith, 1979: 1378; Allred, 1982: 460; DuBois & LaBerge, 1988: 138; Johnson, 1988: 318 (redescription); MacKay et al., 1988: 88; Deyrup et al., 1989: 96; Wheeler et al., 1994: 302; Bolton, 1995b: 150; Mackay & Mackay, 2002: 87; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Coovert, 2005: 60; Ellison et al., 2012: 238; Deyrup, 2017: 62; Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 91 (redescription); Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 912.

Status as species: {ref 128094}: 37; {ref 127213}: 432; {ref 123936}: 262; Buren, in {ref 128854}: 125; {ref 123542}: 6 (in list); {ref 128863}: 356; {ref 123333}: 92, 95 (in key); {ref 125337}: 207; {ref 129908}: 2; {ref 128659}: 1378; {ref 122181}: 460; {ref 124419}: 138; {ref 126184}: 318 (redescription); {ref 127023}: 88; {ref 124103}: 96; {ref 129947}: 302; {ref 122860}: 150; {ref 131795}: 87; {ref 131073}: 44; {ref 143326}: 60; {ref 142320}: 238; {ref 143305}: 62; {ref 143073}: 91 (redescription); {ref 143965}: 912.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-06-11
  • Updated at: 2022-12-15
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Crematogaster cerasi Species Valid
Crematogaster lineolata cerasi Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch, 1855)
Myrmica cerasi Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster cerasi (Fitch, 1855)
Other history items belonging to Myrmica cerasi
#301547 Lectotype designation: Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 912.
#274602 Wheeler & Wheeler, 1973a: 28 (l.); Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 95 (m.).
#274603 Combination in Crematogaster: Roger, 1863b: 37.
#280786 Combination in Crematogaster (Acrocoelia): Emery, 1922c: 141.
#280787 Combination in Crematogaster (Crematogaster): Buren, 1968b: 92; Blaimer, 2012c: 55; Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 901.
#274604 Junior synonym of Crematogaster lineolata: Dalla Torre, 1893: 83; Creighton, 1950a: 213.
#280788 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Emery, 1895d: 282; Emery, 1922c: 141.
#274605 Subspecies of Crematogaster lineolata: Pergande, 1896: 877; Wheeler, 1905j: 379; Wheeler, 1906g: 4; Wheeler, 1910a: 564; Wheeler, 1916r: 585; Wheeler, 1917c: 26; Wheeler, 1917k: 461; Wheeler, 1919h: 111; Cole, 1936a: 36; Cole, 1937a: 101; Dennis, 1938: 283; Wing, 1939: 162; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1944: 245; Enzmann, 1946c: 93; Smith, 1951c: 809.
#280789 (selected) Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 37; Mayr, 1863a: 432; Cresson, 1887: 262; Buren, in Smith, 1958c: 125; Carter, 1962a: 6 (in list); Smith, 1967a: 356; Buren, 1968b: 92, 95 (in key); Francoeur, 1977b: 207; Wheeler & Wheeler, 1977b: 2; Smith, 1979: 1378; Allred, 1982: 460; DuBois & LaBerge, 1988: 138; Johnson, 1988: 318 (redescription); MacKay et al., 1988: 88; Deyrup et al., 1989: 96; Wheeler et al., 1994: 302; Bolton, 1995b: 150; Mackay & Mackay, 2002: 87; Deyrup, 2003: 44; Coovert, 2005: 60; Ellison et al., 2012: 238; Deyrup, 2017: 62; Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 91 (redescription); Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 912.
#274606 Senior synonym of Crematogaster kennedyi: Buren, in Smith, 1958c: 125; Smith, 1979: 1378; Bolton, 1995b: 150; Coovert, 2005: 60; Morgan & Mackay, 2017: 91; Ward & Blaimer, 2022: 912.
#277164 Material of the unavailable name Crematogaster lineolata cerasi punctinodis referred here by Buren, in Smith, 1958c: 125; Smith, 1979: 1378; Bolton, 1995b: 150.