This history item belongs to Formica bombycina Roger, 1859
Its current taxon owner(s) is Cataglyphis bombycina
Status as species: Mayr, 1862: 701; Mayr, 1863a: 402; Roger, 1863b: 12; Mayr, 1877a: 20 (in list); Emery, 1878: 48; André, 1882c: 168 (in key); Emery, 1884: 377; Forel, 1886h: 205; Emery, 1891c: 17; Dalla Torre, 1893: 216; Forel, 1895e: 232; Forel, 1902a: 156; Forel, 1903b: 453; Mayr, 1904b: 11; Emery, 1906f: 59; Forel, 1909k: 387; Santschi, 1910f: 234; Karavaiev, 1912a: 17; Wheeler & Mann, 1916: 173; Stitz, 1917: 349; Viehmeyer, 1923: 93; Emery, 1925d: 267; Menozzi, 1927g: 381; Santschi, 1929b: 30; Santschi, 1929c: 106; Santschi, 1929g 166; Santschi, 1932c: 518; Menozzi, 1932c: 95; Menozzi, 1932e: 454; Menozzi, 1934: 157; Santschi, 1934b: 34; Santschi, 1934f: 175; Finzi, 1936: 193; Santschi, 1936e: 82; Santschi, 1938a: 43; Menozzi, 1940a: 271; Finzi, 1940: 165; Donisthorpe, 1942a: 33; Athias-Henriot, 1947: 249; Donisthorpe, 1947f: 111; Bernard, 1948: 164; Bernard, 1953a: 206; Délye, 1960: 261; Cagniant, 1964: 93; Hamann & Klemm, 1967: 419; Kugler, 1981: 87 (in key); Kugler, 1988: 259; Agosti, 1990b: 1484; Bolton, 1995b: 134; Radchenko, 1997e: 435; Radchenko, 1998a: 502 (in key); Cagniant, 2006: 194; Cagniant, 2009: 48; Vonshak & Ionescu-Hirsch, 2010: 39; Legakis, 2011: 34; Borowiec, 2014: 53 (see note in bibliograpahy).
Status as species: {ref 127190}: 701; {ref 127213}: 402; {ref 128094}: 12; {ref 127231}: 20 (in list); {ref 132996}: 48; {ref 143315}: 168 (in key); {ref 132997}: 377; {ref 125017}: 205; {ref 124554}: 17; {ref 124002}: 216; {ref 125068}: 232; {ref 125119}: 156; {ref 125136}: 453; {ref 127250}: 11; {ref 124675}: 59; {ref 125200}: 387; {ref 128254}: 234; {ref 126239}: 17; {ref 130284}: 173; {ref 129027}: 349; {ref 129518}: 93; {ref 124775}: 267; {ref 127339}: 381; {ref 128381}: 30; {ref 128382}: 106; Santschi, 1929g 166; {ref 128403}: 518; {ref 127366}: 95; {ref 127368}: 454; {ref 127312}: 157; {ref 128418}: 34; {ref 128422}: 175; {ref 124917}: 193; {ref 128430}: 82; {ref 128439}: 43; {ref 127384}: 271; {ref 124939}: 165; {ref 124314}: 33; {ref 143310}: 249; {ref 124355}: 111; {ref 122619}: 164; {ref 122636}: 206; {ref 124082}: 261; {ref 123447}: 93; {ref 125746}: 419; {ref 126576}: 87 (in key); {ref 126577}: 259; {ref 122142}: 1484; {ref 122860}: 134; {ref 132074}: 435; {ref 132078}: 502 (in key); {ref 132841}: 194; {ref 130875}: 48; {ref 132743}: 39; {ref 132927}: 34; {ref 142632}: 53 (see note in bibliograpahy).
Cataglyphis bombycina | Species | Valid |
Formica bombycina | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cataglyphis bombycina (Roger, 1859)
Myrmecocystus bombycinus | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Cataglyphis bombycina (Roger, 1859)