ID | Pos. | Item type | Protonym / Terminal taxa | Rank | Status | Taxt |
#247264 | 1 |
Camponotus sericeus r. peguensis var. igniceps
Camponotus sericeus peguensis igniceps |
infrasubspecies | unavailable | [Also described as new by Forel, 1913l: 129, but from Ceylon: Peradeniya (H. von Buttel-Reepen); unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.] |
#255939 | 5 |
Ponera mordax
Gnamptogenys mordax |
species | valid | Senior synonym of Gnamptogenys nodosa (nomen oblitum): Brown, 1958g: 228, 320; Kempf, 1972b: 113; Bolton, 1995b: 209; Lattke, 1995: 176. |
#258337 | 4 |
Liometopum apiculatum
Liometopum apiculatum |
species | valid | Senior synonym of Liometopum masonium: Del Toro et al., 2009: 309 (nomen oblitum). |
#258883 | 1 |
Messor incisus
Messor incisus |
species | valid | Status as species: Bolton, 1982: 351 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 254. |
#259500 | 1 |
Monomorium fasciatum
Monomorium fasciatum |
species | valid | Status as species: Wheeler, 1922: 863; Ettershank, 1966: 89; Bolton, 1987: 388 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 261. |
#259819 | 1 |
Monomorium pacis
Monomorium pacis |
species | valid | Status as species: Arnold, 1916: 234; Emery, 1922c: 173; Wheeler, 1922: 865; Ettershank, 1966: 91; Bolton, 1987: 404 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 265. |
#259938 | 2 |
Monomorium senegalense
Monomorium senegalense |
species | valid | Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 31; Mayr, 1863a: 429; Emery, 1881b: 530 (in key); Dalla Torre, 1893: 70; Emery, 1922c: 179; Wheeler, 1922: 872; Santschi, 1936a: 35; Ettershank, 1966: 92; Bolton, 1987: 359 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 267. |
#267106 | 3 |
Polyrhachis jacksoniana
Polyrhachis jacksoniana |
species | valid | Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 9; Mayr, 1863a: 445; Dalla Torre, 1893: 263; Emery, 1896j: 381 (in list); Emery, 1898a: 228; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 137; Taylor, 1987a: 61; Taylor, 1989a: 25 (species inquirenda); Kohout & Taylor, 1990: 511; Bolton, 1995b: 350; Dorow, 1995: 15. |
#270956 | 5 |
Strumigenys ludovici
Strumigenys ludovici |
species | valid | Status as species: Santschi, 1913b: 529 (in key); Wheeler, 1922: 1034; Emery, 1924f: 320; Brown, 1952h: 85 (species inquirenda); Bolton, 1983: 343 (redescription); Bolton, 1995b: 383; Bolton, 2000: 315 (redescription); Hita Garcia et al., 2013: 216. |
#271050 | 6 |
Strumigenys (Cephaloxys) inezi subsp. mumfordi
Strumigenys mumfordi |
species | valid | Status as species: Brown, 1953g: 124 (nomen dubium); Brown, 1964b: 195 (redescription); Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 36; Bolton, 1995b: 385; Bolton, 2000: 401 (redescription); Ramage, 2014: 160. |
#273330 | 1 |
Tetramorium infraspinosum
Tetramorium infraspinosum |
species | valid | Status as species: Chapman & Capco, 1951: 175; Bolton, 1977: 132 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 409. |
#273584 | 1 |
Tetramorium perlongum
Tetramorium perlongum |
species | valid | [Also described as new by Santschi, 1925h: 165, based on the same specimen; type data rendered: Benguela, between Kapelongo and Dongo, xii.1912 (Rohan-Chabot).] |
#274291 | 11 |
Atta septentrionalis
Trachymyrmex septentrionalis |
species | valid | Synonym of Trachymyrmex virginiana (nomen oblitum): Wheeler, 1902g: 29; Wheeler, 1907d: 706; Emery, 1924f: 345; Smith, 1951c: 831; Smith, 1979: 1411; Bolton, 1995b: 421; Rabeling et al., 2007: 17 (nomen oblitum). |
#275276 | 2 |
†Leucotaphus permancus
†Leucotaphus permancus |
species | unidentifiable | Incertae sedis (nomen dubium) in †Leucotaphus: Dlussky & Perfilieva, 2014: 433. |
#277763 | 6 |
Aphaenogaster (Messor) tataricus
Messor tataricus |
species | valid | Status as species: He & Song, 2009: 724; Steiner et al., 2018: supplementary material, 8 (nomen dubium) |
#277772 | 4 |
Messor rufitarsis subsp. jakowlevi
Messor rufitarsis jakowlevi |
subspecies | synonym | Subspecies of Messor rufitarsis : Arnol'di & Dlussky, 1978: 537 (in key); Steiner et al., 2018: supplementary material, 8 (nomen dubium). |
#277784 | 4 |
Messor clivorum subsp. sevani
Messor clivorum sevani |
subspecies | valid | Subspecies of Messor clivorum: Steiner et al., 2018: supplementary material, 8 (nomen dubium). |
#277789 | 8 |
Stenamma (Messor) structor var. tyrrhena
Messor structor tyrrhenus |
subspecies | valid | Subspecies of Messor structor: Forel, 1915d: 35 (in key); Wheeler, 1926a: 2; Kutter, 1927a: 99; Steiner et al., 2018: supplementary material, 6 (nomen dubium). |
#280233 | 8 |
Formica sericeiventris
Camponotus sericeiventris |
species | valid | Senior synonym of Camponotus cuneata (nomen oblitum): Kempf, 1972b: 48; Bolton, 1995b: 123. |
#288780 | 8 |
Formica (Tapinoma) albipes
Technomyrmex albipes |
species | valid | Senior synonym of Technomyrmex forticulus (nomen oblitum): Bolton, 2007b: 68; Sharaf et al., 2018: 40; Jaitrong & Yamane, 2024: 37. |
#288781 | 7 |
Formica (Tapinoma) albipes
Technomyrmex albipes |
species | valid | Senior synonym of Technomyrmex detorquens (nomen oblitum): Bolton, 2007b: 68; Sharaf et al., 2018: 40; Jaitrong & Yamane, 2024: 37. |
#292575 | 6 |
Amblyopone testacea
Stigmatomma testaceum |
species | valid | Status as species: Smith, 1871a: 324; Dalla Torre, 1893: 13; Forel, 1900f: 328; Forel, 1907d: 2; Wheeler, 1933g: 6; Wilson, 1958g: 360 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 63. |
#293095 | 3 |
Messor barbarus r. ruginodis
Messor ruginodis |
species | valid | Status as species: Bolton, 1982: 353 (nomen dubium); Bolton, 1995b: 256. |
#293340 | 2 |
Monomorium brunneolucidulum
Monomorium brunneolucidulum |
species | unidentifiable | Unidentifiable taxon: Sharaf et al., 2021: 28 (nomen dubium). |
#300409 | 1 |
Aphaenogaster (Attomyrma) georgica
Aphaenogaster georgica |
species | valid | Status as species: Arnol'di, 1976b: 1024 (in key); Bolton, 1995b: 70; Gratiashvili & Barjadze, 2008: 137; Borowiec, 2014: 12; Salata et al., 2021: 340 (nomen dubium). |
#301280 | 2 |
Strumigenys (Cephaloxys) calypso
Strumigenys calypso |
species | synonym | Status as species: Brown, 1952h: 85 (species inquirenda). |
#302733 | 2 |
Orectognathus nigriventris
Orectognathus nigriventris |
species | valid | [Note: the comment by Brown, 1958b: 17, and the notation on p. 28, “(nigriventris Mercovich ms.)” make it clear that Brown did not intend the name to be made available in his publication.] |
#303755 | 2 |
Leptanilla charonea
Leptanilla charonea |
species | valid | [Note: in López et al., 1994: 187, the species is described as holotype worker, 32 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen, with same data as given for the larvae. In addition there are 3 paratype workers Madrid, Casa de Campo, UTM 30TVK37, 660 m., 13.ii.1987 (L.G. Gómez & C.F. Hernan), 4 paratype workers Spain: Avila, La Higuera, UTM 30TUK25, 425 m., (J.P. Zaballos). These specimens are deposited in CEUC (holotype); ATPC, CEUC, MCZC, MHNG, NHMB, XEPC (paratypes).] |
#303778 | 2 |
Leptanilla zaballosi
Leptanilla zaballosi |
species | valid | [Note: in López et al., 1994: 183, the species is described as holotype worker, 372 paratype workers. Of the workers 59 bear the same data as the single larva that is UTM 30TTK73, but no workers correspond to the 8 larvae that are UTM 29SPD67. Additional localities include: holotype, 83 paratype workers Spain: Cácares, Bohonal de Ibor, UTM 30STK80, 350 m., 9.v.1989 (J.P. Zaballos), 5 paratype workers Spain: Madrid, Casa de Campo, UTM 30TVK37, 600 m., 13.ii.1987 (L.G. Gómez & C.F. Hernan), 24 paratype workers Spain: Avila, Candeleda, UTM 36TUK04, 250 m., 9.v.1998 (J.P. Zaballos), 66 paratype workers Spain: Ciudad Real, Navas de Estena, UTM 30SUJ77, 700 m., 10.v.1988 (V. Ortuña), 50 paratype workers Spain: Cáceres, Vega de Mesillas, UTM 30TTK73, 275 m., 17.v.1988 (J.P. Zaballos), 50 paratype workers Cáceres, Vacia de Alcántara, UTM 29SPD56, 500 m., 23.iii.1990 (J.P. Zaballos), 67 paratype workers Spain: Madrid, San Martin de Valdeiglesias, UTM 30TUK87, 670 m., 9.xii.1991 (J.C. Atienza), 32 paratype workers Spain: Cáceres, Membrio, UTM 29SPD56, 350 m., 18.xii.1991 (J.P. Zaballos). These specimens are deposited in CEUC (holotype); ATPC, CEUC, MCZC, MHNG, NHMB, XEPC (paratypes).] |
#308737 | 2 |
Camponotus (Myrmocladoecus) rectangularis var. willowsi
Camponotus rectangularis willowsi |
subspecies | valid | [Note: Wheeler, 1934g: 223, includes a second minor worker, also from Acapulco (F. Knab).] |
Note that "taxts" in reference sections and history items contain references to other records (that is, not their content), meaning that searching for Condylodon will not show any results while searching for the taxon's ID will.