Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Technomyrmex pluto Bolton, 2007b 94 w.q. INDONESIA (Sulawesi)
Technomyrmex prevaricus Bolton, 2007b 97 w. NEW GUINEA (Indonesia)
Technomyrmex primroseae Donisthorpe, 1949f 273 w. MAURITIUS
Technomyrmex rector Bolton, 2007b 97, fig. 71 w. INDIA (Tamil Nadu)
Technomyrmex reductus Bolton, 2007b 98, fig. 56 w. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sarawak)
Technomyrmex rusticus Santschi, 1930a 72, figs. 43-45 w-q intercaste DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Technomyrmex schimmeri Viehmeyer, 1916a 143, fig. 8 w.q. SINGAPORE
Technomyrmex schimmeri var. obscurior Wheeler, 1928c 31 w. CHINA (Yunnan)
Technomyrmex schoedli Bolton, 2007b 34, figs. 19, 28 w. GABON
Technomyrmex schoutedeni Forel, 1910f 447 w.q.m. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Technomyrmex semiruber Emery, 1899d 489 w. CAMEROON
Technomyrmex senex Bolton, 2007b 36, fig. 17 w. GABON
Technomyrmex septentrionalis Zhang, 1989 277, fig. 279 q.? CHINA (Shandong, Miocene)
Technomyrmex setosus Collingwood, 1985 243, fig. 12 w. SAUDI ARABIA
Technomyrmex shattucki Bolton, 2007b 116 w.m. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Technomyrmex sophiae Forel, 1902j 474 w.q. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Technomyrmex strenua Mayr, 1872 147 w.eq. SINGAPORE
Technomyrmex subgracilis Bolton, 2007b 101, figs. 46, 73 w. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Technomyrmex svojtkai Perrichot & Engel, 2022 780, figs. 1-3, s1, s2 w. ETHIOPIA (Ethiopian Amber, early Miocene)
Technomyrmex sycorax Bolton, 2007b 38, fig. 16 w. GABON
Technomyrmex tatius Bolton, 2007b 102 w. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Technomyrmex tonsuratus Bolton, 2007b 103, fig. 42 w. NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea)
Technomyrmex transiens Forel, 1913l 96 w. INDONESIA (Sumatra)
Technomyrmex vapidus Bolton, 2007b 39, fig. 6 w. KENYA
Technomyrmex yamanei Bolton, 2007b 107, figs. 47, 67 w. THAILAND
Technomyrmex zumpti Santschi, 1937b 102 m. CAMEROON
Teleutomyrmex Kutter, 1950a 82
Teleutomyrmex buschingeri Lapeva-Gjonova, 2017 151, figs. 3b, 4b, 5b q. BULGARIA Kiran et al., 2017: 146, retain the paraphyletic genus Teleutomyrmex.
Teleutomyrmex kutteri Tinaut, 1990b 202, figs. 1-3, photos 1-2 q.m. SPAIN
Teleutomyrmex schneideri Kutter, 1950a 82, figs. 1-23 q.m. SWITZERLAND
Teleutomyrmex seiferti Kiran & Karaman, 2017 148, figs. 3a, 4a, 5a, 6-8 q.m. TURKEY Kiran et al., 2017: 146, retain the paraphyletic genus Teleutomyrmex.
Teleutomyrmini Kutter, 1950a 81
Temnothorax Mayr, 1861 68
Temnothorax achii Prebus, 2021b 56 (in key), 175, figs. 114A, 115 w. GUATEMALA
Temnothorax acuminatus Prebus, 2021b 47 (in key), 75, figs. 90A, 91 w.dq. MEXICO (Chiapas)
Temnothorax acutispinosus Prebus, 2021b 51 (in key), 85, fig. 93 w. MEXICO (Chiapas)
Temnothorax agavicola Prebus, 2021b 60 (in key), 259, figs. 133A, 134 w.dq. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Temnothorax akrotiriensis Salata et al., 2024 56, figs. 52-59, 65 w. CYPRUS
Temnothorax alfacarensis Tinaut & Reyes-López, 2020 361, figs, 1-5 w.q.m. SPAIN (Granada)
Temnothorax alienus Schulz et al., 2007 3, figs. 2, 3, 22, 26, 28, 29 w.q. ITALY
Temnothorax almeqeri Sharaf, 2019 604, figs. 1A-F, 2A-C w. SAUDI ARABIA
Temnothorax altinodus Prebus, 2021b 52 (in key), 89, fig. 94 w. HONDURAS
Temnothorax anaphalantus Snelling et al., 2014 32, figs. 2-4, 19, 23-26 w.q.m. U.S.A. (California)
Temnothorax angulinodis Csősz et al., 2015 16, figs. 5A-C w. GREECE
Temnothorax angulohumerus Zhou et al., 2010 12, figs. 1-3 w. CHINA (Hunan)
Temnothorax angustifrons Csősz et al., 2015 18, figs. 9A-C w. TURKEY
Temnothorax ansei Catarineu et al., 2017 139, figs. 1-13 w.q.m. SPAIN
Temnothorax apenninicus Csősz et al., 2024 188, figs. 5-7, 11, table 3 w.q.m. ITALY
Temnothorax apolloni Salata et al., 2024 15, figs. 8-12, 61 w. CYPRUS
Temnothorax arabicus Sharaf & Akbar, 2017 4, figs. 1-3 w. SAUDI ARABIA