Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Temnothorax wilsoni Prebus, 2021b 63 (in key), 337, figs. 133O, 149 w.dq.m. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Temnothorax xanthos Radchenko, 2004 114, figs. 4-6 w. NORTH KOREA
Temnothorax xia Qian & Xu, 2024 54, fig. 35 w. CHINA (Yunnan)
Temnothorax xiaohan Qian & Xu, 2024 57, fig. 36 w. CHINA (Tibet)
Temnothorax xiaoman Qian & Xu, 2024 59, fig. 37 w. CHINA (Shaanxi)
Temnothorax xiaoshu Qian & Xu, 2024 61, fig. 38 w. CHINA (Yunnan)
Temnothorax xiaoxue Qian & Xu, 2024 63, fig. 39 w. CHINA (Yunnan)
Temnothorax xiazhi Qian & Xu, 2024 65, fig. 41 w. CHINA (Yunnan)
Temnothorax xincai Prebus, 2021b 55 (in key), 194, figs. 114D, 119 w.q. GUATEMALA
Temnothorax yanwan Terayama, 2009 185 w. TAIWAN
Temnothorax yushui Qian & Xu, 2024 67, fig. 43 w. CHINA (Sichuan)
Temnothorax zhejiangensis Zhou et al., 2010 21, figs. 19-21 w. CHINA (Zhejiang)
Terataner Emery, 1912b 103
Terataner (Tranetera) transvaalensis Arnold, 1952b 130, 2 figs. w. SOUTH AFRICA
Terataner balrog Hita Garcia, 2017 12, figs 1, 3B, 3D, 4–7, S1, S1 w.eq. MADAGASCAR
Terataner elegans Bernard, 1953b 243, fig. 13A q. GUINEA
Terataner nymeria Hita Garcia, 2017 21, figs. 1, 3C, 3F–G, 8–10, S3 w. MADAGASCAR
Terataner piceus Menozzi, 1942a 173 w. EQUATORIAL GUINEA
Terataner rufipes Emery, 1912b 104 w. MADAGASCAR
Terataner velatus Bolton, 1981b 295 w. GHANA
Terataner xaltus Bolton, 1981b 296, fig. 52 w. MADAGASCAR
Teratomyrmex McAreavey, 1957 54
Teratomyrmex greavesi McAreavey, 1957 55, figs. 1-3 w. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Teratomyrmex substrictus Shattuck & O'Reilly, 2013 297, fig. 7 w. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Teratomyrmex tinae Shattuck & O'Reilly, 2013 298, fig. 8 w.m. AUSTRALIA (Queensland)
Termitopone Wheeler, 1936e 159
Tetheamyrma Bolton, 1991 9
Tetheamyrma bidentata General & Buenavente, 2018 47, figs. 2a-c, 3a-c w.q. PHILIPPINES (Samar I.)
Tetheamyrma subspongia Bolton, 1991 10, figs. 16, 17 w. BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah)
Tetramorii Emery, 1895l 770
Tetramorium Mayr, 1855 423
Tetramorium (Cephalomorium) bahai Forel, 1922b 91 w. U.S.A. (North Carolina)
Tetramorium (Decamorium) decem Forel, 1913a 121 w. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Decamorium) decem st. uelense Santschi, 1923e 285 w.q. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Tetramorium (Decamorium) decem var. ultor Forel, 1913k 217 w. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Leptothorax) innocens Forel, 1913b 317 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Tetramorium (Leptothorax?) innocens
Tetramorium (Lobomyrmex) ferox subsp. silhavyi Kratochvíl, 1941b 84 (diagnosis in key), fig. 1 w.q. CZECH REPUBLIC, SLOVAKIA, HUNGARY
Tetramorium (Tetramorium) coloreum Mayr, 1901a 273 w. CAMEROON
Tetramorium (Tetramorium) curvispinosum Mayr, 1897 430 w. SRI LANKA
Tetramorium (Tetramorium) emeryi Mayr, 1901b 23 w.q.m. SOUTH AFRICA
Tetramorium (Tetramorium) setigerum Mayr, 1901b 22 w. SOUTH AFRICA
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) auropunctatus var. bulawayensis Arnold, 1917 335 w. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) constanciae Arnold, 1917 339, pl. 7, fig. 94 w. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) constanciae var. tenebrosus Arnold, 1926 275, fig. 79a,a' w.q.m. MOZAMBIQUE
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) hepburni Arnold, 1917 340 w.q.m. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) hepburni var. sericeus Arnold, 1926 277 w. ZIMBABWE
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) marleyi var. akermani Arnold, 1926 276 w. SOUTH AFRICA
Tetramorium (Triglyphothrix) muscorum Arnold, 1926 274, fig. 78 w. MOZAMBIQUE
Tetramorium (Xiphomyrmex) andrei Forel, 1892o 263 w. MADAGASCAR
Tetramorium (Xiphomyrmex) andrei r. robustior Forel, 1892l 521 w. MADAGASCAR