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Acropyga oceanica Emery, 1900 valid
Acropyga (Rhizomyrma) oceanica Emery, 1900b: 333, pl. 8, fig. 44 (w.q.m.) NEW GUINEA (Papua New Guinea). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of LaPolla, 2004a: 76). Primary type locality: lectotype Papua New Guinea (“Nova-Guinea, Colonia Germanica”): Friedrich-Wilhelmshafen (= Madang) (L. Biró). Primary type depository: MSNG (lectotype). Type notes: Emery, 1900b: 334, says that the original syntype specimens (1 worker, 1 queen, 1 male) were taken one by one, and that he suspected the queen and male were the same species as the worker. The two sexual forms may be in HNHM.
Junior synonyms