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Adelomyrmex micans Fernández, 2003 valid
Adelomyrmex micans Fernández, 2003: 601 (w.q.) MEXICO (Chiapas). Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Mexico: Chiapas, 5 km. W San Cristobal, Cerro Huitepec, 2700 m., 14.ix.1992, no. 92-101 (R.S. Anderson). Primary type depository: MCZC. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 30 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen. Secondary type localities: 5 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 14 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen Chiapas, 4 km. N Unión Juarez, Volcán Tacana, lower slopes, 2000 m., 19.ix.1992, no.92-110 (R.S. Anderson), 11 workers as last but no. 92-111. Secondary type depositories: BMNH, IAVH, INBC, JTLC, LACM, MCZC, MIZA, MZSP, PSWC, USNM, WEMC.