1,029 result(s)
ID Taxon Status Title taxt Subtitle taxt References taxt
#2983 Trichomyrmex valid Genus Trichomyrmex references Bolton, 1987: 320, 322 (Afrotropical Trichomyrmex scabriceps and Trichomyrmex destructor groups, as part of Monomorium); Radchenko, 1997g: 211 (Monomorium scabriceps group revision, key); Heterick, 2006: 96 (Malagasy Trichomyrmex destructor group, as part of Monomorium); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 443 (diagnosis); Sharaf et al., 2016a: 4 (Arabia species key); Cantone, 2017: 246 (brief male diagnosis); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 827 (Colombia species, key); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 343 (Malagasy region male diagnosis). [Note: prior to 2015 references to Trichomyrmex are included under Monomorium, except for those noted here.]
#2985 Opamyrma valid Genus Opamyrma references Vasilev & Eftimov, 1975: 237 (male diagnosis); Eguchi et al., 2014: 24 (diagnosis, Vietnam synopsis); Chen et al., 2017: 9 (diagnosis); Yamada et al., 2020: 30 (morphology); Griebenow, 2020: 237 (males diagnosis), 241 (male-based key); Yamada et al., 2023: 1 (natural history of Opamyrma hungvuong); Griebenow, 2024: 115 (w.q.m.l. diagnoses).
#2986 Fulakora valid Genus Fulakora references Brown, 1960a: 181 (Paraprionopelta review); Ward & Fisher, 2016: 689 (phylogeny); Cantone, 2017: 104 (brief male diagnosis); Fernández et al., 2019: 504 (Colombia species key); Heterick, 2021: 37 (Western Australia species key). [Note: prior to 2016 references that include Fulakora species occur under Amblyopone and Stigmatomma.]
#2988 Chrysapace valid Genus Chrysapace references Brady et al., 2014: 4 (phylogeny); Borowiec, 2016: 101 (worker, male diagnoses); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 244 (diagnosis); Cantone, 2017: 129 (brief male diagnosis); Yamada et al., 2019: 469 (all species key); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 307 (Malagasy region male diagnosis).
#2989 Colobopsis valid Genus Colobopsis references Ward et al., 2016: 341 (Camponotus/Colobopsis separation key); Cantone, 2017: 155 (brief male diagnosis); Mackay & MacKay, 2018: 16, 26 (diagnosis, New World species revision, key); Heterick, 2021: 104 (Western Australia species key); Ward & Boudinot, 2021: 52 (male-based genus diagnosis, key); Borowiec & Salata, 2022: 149 (diagnosis); Dhadwal & Bharti, 2024: 2 (diagnosis), 5 (India major worker key).
#2990 Dinomyrmex valid Genus Dinomyrmex references Cantone, 2017: 155 (brief male diagnosis); Ward & Boudinot, 2021: 50 (male identification)
#2992 Cyatta valid Genus Cyatta references Cantone, 2017: 197 (brief male diagnosis); Baccaro et al., 2015: 220 (genus in Brazil).
#2993 Dolopomyrmex valid Genus Dolopomyrmex references Cantone, 2017: 200 (brief male diagnosis)
#2994 Kalathomyrmex valid Genus Kalathomyrmex references Cantone, 2017: 203 (brief male diagnosis); Baccaro et al., 2015: 230 (genus in Brazil); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 853 (genus in Colombia).
#2995 Indomyrma valid Genus Indomyrma references Cantone, 2017: 203 (brief male diagnosis).
#2996 Malagidris valid Genus Malagidris references Bolton & Fisher, 2014: 16 (diagnosis, revision, all species key); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 307 (diagnosis); Cantone, 2017: 207 (brief male diagnosis); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 336 (Malagasy region male diagnosis).
#2997 Myrmicaria valid Genus Myrmicaria references Smith, 1858a: 140, 141, 171 (Myrmicaria, Heptacondylus, Physatta diagnoses); Mayr, 1865: 24 (Heptacondylus diagnosis); Mayr, 1867a: 111 (diagnosis); Bingham, 1903: 118 (India, Sri Lanka & Burma species key); Emery, 1914e: 36 (diagnosis (in key)); Arnold, 1916: 261 (diagnosis, South Africa species key); Emery, 1922c: 121 (diagnosis); Wheeler, 1922: 141 (diagnosis); Santschi, 1925c: 171 (Afrotropical species, diagnosis, key); Karavaiev, 1935a: 84 (Oriental & Malesian species key); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976b: 53 (larvae, review & synthesis); Bolton, 1995a: 1051 (census); Bolton, 2003: 68, 242 (diagnosis, synopsis); Bakhtiar et al., 2009: 249 (Southeast Asia species groups); Eguchi et al., 2011: 21 (diagnosis, Vietnam synopsis); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 328 (diagnosis); Cantone, 2017: 218 (brief male diagnosis); Zettel et al., 2018: 622 (Philippines species key).
#2998 Paramycetophylax valid Genus Paramycetophylax references Klingenberg & Brandão, 2009: 26 (diagnosis, review); Cantone, 2017: 224 (brief male diagnosis); Hanisch et al., 2022: 1 (phylogeny, divergence dating, natural history).
#3000 Rostromyrmex valid Genus Rostromyrmex references Cantone, 2017: 234 (brief male diagnosis).
#3001 Royidris valid Genus Royidris references Bolton & Fisher, 2014: 42 (all species key); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 398 (diagnosis); Cantone, 2017: 234 (brief male diagnosis); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 340 (Malagasy region male diagnosis).
#3002 Tropidomyrmex valid Genus Tropidomyrmex references Baccaro et al., 2015: 304 (genus in Brazil); Cantone, 2017: 247 (brief male diagnosis).
#3003 Veromessor valid Genus Veromessor references Emery, 1921c: 67 (diagnosis); Wheeler & Creighton, 1934: 360 (species key); Creighton, 1950a: 158 (Nearctic species key); Smith, 1956a: 36 (U.S.A. species key); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986g: 38 (U.S.A., Nevada species key); Cantone, 2017: 247 (brief male diagnosis); Johnson et al., 2022: 1 (revision, review of biology), 7 (genus diagnosis, description of worker, queen), 8 (description of male, synonymic list of species), 10 (workers key, queens key), 11 (males key).
#3004 Vitsika valid Genus Vitsika references Bolton & Fisher, 2014: 72 (diagnosis, all species key); Bolton & Fisher, 2014: 33 (Myrmisaraka diagnosis, all species key); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 449 (diagnosis); Cantone, 2017: 248 (brief male diagnosis); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 344 (Malagasy region male diagnosis).
#3006 Proleptothorax valid
#3008 Dorylinae valid Subfamily Dorylinae references World Bolton, 1990c: 1344, 1351 (doryline section apomorphies, diagnosis); Bolton, 1990c: 1358 (Dorylinae diagnosis); Bolton, 2003: 31, 36 (dorylomorph subfamilies, Dorylinae); Brady & Ward, 2005: 593 (dorylomorph phylogeny); Brady et al., 2014: 4 (phylogeny); Boudinot, 2015: 48 (male diagnosis); Borowiec, 2016: 18, 37, 52 (subfamily diagnosis, world key to genera (workers), world key to genera (males)); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 45 (diagnosis); Borowiec, 2019: 642 (convergent evolution of army ant syndrome); Boudinot et al., 2024: 141 (fossil record review)
#3009 Dorylinae valid Regional and national faunas with keys [For references prior to 2015 see under the previous components of the subfamily: Acanthostichus, Aenictogiton, Aenictus, Cerapachyini, Cheliomyrmex, Cylindromyrmex, Dorylus, Ecitonini, Leptanilloidinae]; Baccaro et al., 2015: 70, 144 (Brazil genera key, text); Borowiec, 2016: 18, 37, 52 (subfamily diagnosis, key to genera (workers), key to genera (males)); Palacio, 2019: 577 (Colombia genera key); Borowiec, 2019: 648 (genomic phylogeny, divergence dating, biogeography); Heterick, 2021: 25 (Western Australia genera key); Feitosa & Dias, 2024: 26 (key to Brazil genera); Ramamonjisoa et al., 2024: 305 (Malagasy region male diagnosis, male-based key to genera).
#3010 Palaeomyrmex homonym
#3011 †Haidomyrmecinae valid Subfamily †Haidomyrmecinae references McKellar et al., 2013b: 457 (genera and all species key); Perrichot et al., 2016: in supplemental information (not paginated) (genera and all species key); Barden, 2017: 2 (checklist); Barden et al., 2017a: 838 (synopsis of species); Borysenko, 2017: 19 (diagnosis); Perrichot et al., 2020: 3, 16 (diagnosis, genera and all species key); Barden et al., 2020: 3819 (phylogeny, morphospace); Boudinot et al., 2020: 33 (diagnosis in key).
#3013 Dhagnathos valid Genus Dhagnathos references
#3014 Chonidris valid Genus Chonidris references
#3015 Aquilomyrmex valid Genus Aquilomyrmex references
#3016 Protoceratomyrmex valid Genus Protoceratomyrmex references Perrichot et al., 2020: 12 (diagnosis of worker).
#3017 Linguamyrmex valid Genus Linguamyrmex references Perrichot et al., 2020: 16 (key to species).
#3018 Tetheamyrma valid Genus Tetheamyrma references General & Buenavente, 2018: 46 (diagnosis, all species key).
#3019 Haidomyrmodes valid Genus Haidomyrmodes references Perrichot et al., 2008: 92 (diagnosis); Perrichot et al., 2016: Suppl. Info. (revision of genus); Perrichot et al., 2020: 16 (key to genus).

Note that "taxts" in reference sections and history items contain references to other records (that is, not their content), meaning that searching for Condylodon will not show any results while searching for the taxon's ID will.