1,027 result(s)
ID Taxon Status Title taxt Subtitle taxt References taxt
#3020 Ceratomyrmex valid Genus Ceratomyrmex references Perrichot et al., 2016: 1488 + Suppl. Info (diagnosis, key to genus); Perrichot et al., 2020: 16 (key to genus and species); Lattke & Melo, 2020: 2 (emended worker diagnosis).
#3021 Eldermyrmex valid Genus Eldermyrmex references Shattuck, 2011: 170 (diagnosis); Dubovikoff et al., 2019: 995 (new diagnosis, key to species).
#3022 Myrmelachistini valid Tribe Myrmelachistini references Blaimer et al., 2015: 6 (phylogeny, reclassification, synopsis); Ward et al., 2016: 348 (phylogeny, reclassification, synopsis); Fernández & Ortiz-Sepúlveda, 2019: 723 (Colombia).
#3023 Pogonomyrmecini valid Tribe Pogonomyrmecini references Fernández & Serna, 2019: 793 (Colombia fauna).
#3024 Kempfidris valid Genus Kempfidris references Baccaro et al., 2015: 290 (genus in Brazil); Camacho & Feitosa, 2016: 1 (genus in Peru); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 803 (genus in Colombia).
#3025 Gracilidris valid Genus Gracilidris references Baccaro et al., 2015: 138 (genus in Brazil); Guerrero, 2019: 710 (Colombia).
#3026 Formicidae valid HEAD (SKELETON AND MUSCULATURE) Janet, 1899b: 295 (Myrmica tentorium); Bugnion, 1930: 85 (mouthparts); Gotwald, 1969b: 1 (mouthparts); Masson, 1972b: 343 (Camponotus antennal articulations); Gronenberg & Ehmer, 1996: 153 (Anochetus mandibular muscles); Ehmer & Gronenberg, 1997: 287 (antennal musculature, physiology); Paul & Gronenberg, 1999: 797 (cranial muscle attachments, physiology); Paul, 2001: 7 (mandible musculature, movements); Paul et al., 2002: 39 (cranial, mouthpart musculature); Schofield et al., 2002: 579 (mandibular tooth hardness); Muscedere et al., 2011: 783 (Pheidole cranial muscle maturation); Larabee & Suarez, 2014: 25 (trap-jaw evolution); Raderschall et al., 2016: 1449 (head roll control); Lillico-Ouachour et al., 2018: 383 (Pheidole intercaste cranial anatomy); Khalife et al., 2018: 30 (Melissotarsus cranial and leg anatomy); Kubota et al., 2019: 1 (Lasius tentorium); Barlow et al., 2019 1 (mandible histology); Richter et al., 2019: 26 (head anatomy, Wasmannia); Paul & Roces, 2019: 335 (mouthparts); Richter et al., 2020: 133 (head anatomy, Formicinae, Ponerinae); Richter et al., 2021: 85 (head anatomy, Protanilla); Klunk et al., 2021: 1 (mandible functional morphology in Pheidole); Boudinot et al., 2021: 1 (male head anatomy, sexual dimorphism; Dorylus); Richter et al., 2022: 1 (head anatomy groundplan); Richter et al., 2023: 35 (Tatuidris tatusia head anatomy, evolutionary implications); Klunk et al., 2023: 1 (mandible functional morphology).
#3027 Formicidae valid ALIMENTARY CANAL Forel, 1878c: 339 (proventriculus); Emery, 1888d: 379 (proventriculus); Bugnion, 1926 33 (anterior alimentary canal, see also: Bugnion, 1927a: 59; Bugnion, 1927c: 105; Bugnion, 1929: 55; Bugnion, 1930: 85); Haskins & Whelden, 1954: 33 (Myrmecia food transfer); Eisner, 1957: 439 (proventriculus); Brown, 1988h: 17 (malpighian tubule numbers); Caetano, 1988: 129 (digestive tract anatomy); Solis et al., 2012: 1 (Monomorium digestive tract); Casadei-Ferreira et al., 2020: 1 (thoracic crop in Pheidole); Zharkov & Dubovikoff, 2023: 1 (Oecophylla proventriculus).
#3028 Formicidae valid GLANDULAR SYSTEM Janet, 1894c: 989 (general); Janet, 1894d: 45 (Formica pharyngeal glands); Janet, 1898b: 1168 (Myrmicinae); Janet, 1898d: 1 (Myrmica); Whelden, 1963a: 13 (Eciton w., q. comparison, see also: Whelden, 1963b: 90); Hölldobler & Engel, 1979: 285 (tergal and sternal glands); Hölldobler & Engel-Siegel, 1982: 113 (tergal and sternal glands); Hölldobler & Engel-Siegel, 1985: 201 (metapleural gland); Billen, 1986b: 165 (Dufour's gland); Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 5, 229 (anatomy, exocrine glands); Billen, 1993: 4 (exocrine glands); Hölldobler et al., 1996: 157 (metatibial gland); Schönitzer et al., 1996: 107 (Messor rufitarsis antenna cleaner gland); Wenseleers et al., 1998: 121 (cloacal gland); Jensen & Borgesen, 2000: 171 (Monomorium fat body); Gusmão et al., 2001: 31 (Atta ultramorphology metapleural gland); Lommelen et al., 2003: 209 (Neoponera labial gland development); Billen, 2019: 165 (synopsis of exocrine glands); Billen et al., 2021: 1 (basitarsal sulcus gland); Wang et al., 2021: 1 (Strumigenys scape gland); Lieberman et al., 2022: 693 (metapleural gland anatomy); Wang et al., 2023: 1 (Strumigenys spongiform tissue).
#3029 Formicidae valid TRACHEAL SYSTEM Keister, 1963: 336 (Camponotus tracheal system anatomy); Délye, 1965: 285 (spiracle anatomy, function); Fedoseeva, 2017: 49 (metathoracic spiracles).
#3030 Formicidae valid WINGS Emery, 1913d: 577 (wing venation); Brown & Nutting, 1950: 113 (wing venation); Ogata, 1984: 4; Ogata, 1991b: 64 (forewing venation); Basibuyuk & Quicke, 1997: 1563 (hamuli); Perfilieva, 2010: 965 (wing venation); Fisher & Bolton, 2016: 459 (morphology and venation glossary); Cantone & Von Zuben, 2019: 1 (hindwing venation and phylogeny); Cantone, 2019: 1 (wing venation).
#3031 Formicidae valid DEVELOPMENT (EMBRYO, LARVA, PRE-PUPA, PUPA) Ganin, 1869: 1 (embryogenesis, Formica fusca focus); Dewitz, 1877: 527 (Formica rufa sting development); Blochmann, 1892: 236 (Camponotus embryogenesis); Berlese, 1902: 233 (Tapinoma erraticum, Pheidole pallidula larval anatomy); Pérez, 1902: 198 (Formica rufa postembryonic development); Janet, 1907: 1 (Lasius flight apodeme development); Tanquary, 1912: 62 (Camponotus, Myrmica embryogenesis); Hegner, 1915: 521 (Camponotus embryogenesis); BUNCHER 1918 (Camponotus embryogenesis); Wheeler, 1918c: 293 (larvae); Lilienstern, 1932 110 (bacteriocytes); Athias-Henriot, 1947: 247 (larval anatomy, head musculature, multiple subfamilies); Valentini, 1951: 249 (larval anatomy, adaptation, multiple subfamilies); Weir, 1957: 499 (Myrmica larval mid-gut functional anatomy); Lappano, 1958: 31 (Eciton burchellii larval anatomy, development); Nitschmann, 1959: 453 (Myrmica larval digestive tract development); Weir, 1959: 27 ({t429776} larva head endocrine system); BUCHNER 1965 (Camponotus embryogenesis); Emmert, 1968: 1 (Formica head gland development); Emmert, 1969: 97 (Formica labial gland); Jeantet, 1969: 87 (Formica fat tissue development); Ofer, 1970: 49 (Polyrhachis larval silk gland); Bonavita-Cougourdan & Poveda, 1972: 775 (larval hindgut); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1976b: 45 (larvae); Wang & Happ, 1974: 73 (Neivamyrmex nigrescens larval development); Petralia & Vinson, 1979: 472 (Solenopsis invicta development egg, larva); Petralia & Vinson, 1980: 89 (Solenopsis invicta fourth instar internal anatomy); Petralia & Vinson, 1980: 375 (larval feeding surface variation); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1986e: 684 (larvae); Petralia & Haut, 1986: 16 (Camponotus larval labial gland); Ortius-Lechner et al., 2003: 41 (larval gonads); Solis et al., 2012: 1 (Monomorium larval digestive tract anatomy); Penick et al., 2014: 51 (larval genital imaginal discs); Adams et al., 2021: 201 (Acromyrmex larval development, caste and sex identification)
#3032 Formicidae valid NEUROANATOMY Janet, 1899b: 295 (Myrmica cranial nerves, corpora allata); Pietschker, 1910: 43 (brain structure); Thompson, 1913: 515 (mushroom body comparative anatomy); Brun, 1952: 74 (Tetramorium schneideri neuroanatomy); Steiger, 1967: 511 (mushroom body, "corpus pedunculatum"); Goll, 1967: 143 (Formica neuroanatomy); Masson, 1969: 171 (Camponotus deutocerebrum); Bressac & Rabitsch, 1969: 135 (Aphaenogaster senilis cranial nervous system); Masson, 1972a: 31 (deutocerebrum); Masson, 1972b: 343 (Camponotus, see also Masson et al., 1972); Schoeters & Billen, 1999: 139 (terminal abdominal ganglia); Julian & Gronenberg, 2002: 152 (comparison worker, queens); Paul & Gronenberg, 2002: 255 (mandible closer muscle motor control); Seid et al., 2005: 269 (Pheidole age-related change mushroom bodies); Kühn-Bühlmann & Wehner, 2006: 511 (Cataglyphis mushroom body variation); Gronenberg, 2008: 25 (family-level neuroanatomy review); Wehner, 2009: 85 (navigational architecture); Kelber et al., 2009: 273 (Attini/Attina antennal lobe anatomy); Stieb et al., 2010: 408 (Cataglyphis mushroom body variation); Bressan et al., 2015: 1 (Cardiocondyla brain map); Ramirez-Esquivel et al., 2017: 552 (Temnothorax rugatulus setation, compound eye anatomy); Habenstein et al., 2020: 1 (Cataglyphis brain map).
#3034 Formicidae valid GAMETES Blochmann, 1886: 143 (oogenesis); Blochmann, 1884: 243 (oogenesis); Lams, 1908: 528 (Camponotus herculeanus spermatogenesis); Buchner, 1918: 1 (oogenesis); Wheeler et al., 1990: 343 (sperm comparative ultrastructure); Moya et al., 2007: 181 (Pseudomyrmex sperm ultrastructure); Jacintho et al., 2023: 433.
#3035 Formicidae valid KARYOLOGY Whelden & Haskins, 1954: 579 (family-level comparisons); Crozier, 1970a: 109 (karyology); Imai et al., 1984: 5 (karyology); Imai et al., 1984: 66 (karyology); Imai et al., 1985: 46 (karyology); Jacintho et al., 2023: 433.
#3036 Formicidae valid EYES Bernstein & Finn, 1971: 708 (Formica rufa intranidal ommatidium variation); Menzi, 1986: 11 (nocturnal/diurnal adaptations); Greiner et al., 2007: 879 (Myrmecia photoreceptor variation); Nakanishi et al., 2009: e76015 (Polyrhachis sakalava compound eye light-regime adaptations); Narendra et al., 2011: 1141 (Myrmecia interspecific and inter-caste visual adaptations); Schwarz et al., 2011: 128 (Melophorus bagoti visual system); Narendra et al., 2016: 22331 (Camponotus consobrinus inter-caste eye anatomy); Ramirez-Esquivel et al., 2017: 552 (Temnothorax rugatulus setation, compound eye anatomy);
#3037 Formicidae valid LEGS Janet, 1895a: 691 (Myrmica strigil); Gennerich, 1922: 26 (strigil); Dashman, 1953: 56 (general pretarsal terminology); Freeland et al., 1982: 257 (arolium presence across Formicidae); Schönitzer & Lawitzky, 1986: 189 (antenna cleaning apparatus ultrastructure); Schönitzer & Lawitzky, 1987: (antenna cleaning apparatus Aculeata comparison); Francoeur & Loiselle, 1988a: 333 (strigil, evolution); Hashimoto, 1991b: 289 (tibial spurs); Basibuyuk & Quicke, 1994: 205 (Dorylus strigil); Basibuyuk & Quicke, 1995: 171, 176 (antenna cleaning apparatus); Basibuyuk & Quickle, 1999: 349 (grooming, tarsus, tibial spur morphology); Basibuyuk et al., 2000: 625 (manubrium, manubrial sensillae); Federle et al., 2000: 505 (comparative attachment capacities); Federle et al., 2001: 6215 (pretarsal anatomy, functional morphology); Orivel et al., 2001: 449 (Ponerinae pretarsal morphology); Federle et al., 2002: 1100 (Oecophylla smaragdina aroliar wet adhesion); Schulmeister, 2003: 156 (Cataglyphis tarsal plantulae); Böröczky et al., 2013: 3616 (Camponotus pennsylvanicus grooming); Federle et al., 2004: 67 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium biomechanics); Federle & Endlein, 2004: 67 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium control); Endlein & Federle, 2015: e0141269 (Oecophylla smaragdina arolium, distal tarsal brush); Hackmann et al., 2015: (functional morphology antenna cleaner); Billen et al., 2017: 24 (Brachyponera sennaarensis, Daceton armigerum pretarsus, climbing ability); Beutel et al., 2020: 1 (Formica tarsal anatomy, grooming and attachment structures); Billen et al., 2021: 1 (basitarsal sulcus gland)
#3039 Leptanilloidinae synonym Leptanilloidinae references: Baroni Urbani et al., 1992: 317 (phylogeny); Bolton, 1994: 71 (diagnosis, synoptic classification); Bolton, 1995a: 1040 (census); Bolton, 1995b: 12 (catalogue); Brandão et al., 1999: 17 (diagnosis, genera revision, phylogeny, keys); Bolton, 2003: 35, 145 (diagnosis, synopsis); Brady & Ward, 2005: 593 (phylogeny); Moreau et al., 2006: 102 (phylogeny); Brady et al., 2006: 18173 (phylogeny); Ward, 2007c: 555 (classification); Keller, 2011: 1 (morphology, phylogeny).
#3040 Mycetosoritis valid Gender Sosa-Calvo et al., 2017: 8: set gender to masculine: "Because there is thus no indication of gender in the original description of Mycetosoritis, Section of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature applies, requiring the use of the masculine gender for genus-group names with endings of ambiguous gender for which the author did not indicate the gender either explicitly or via a clear adjectival species-group name."
#3041 Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma) valid Genus Cyrtomyrma catalogues World list of species in Polyrhachis (Cyrtomyrma): Emery, 1925d: 207; Dorow, 1995: 21; Bolton, 1995b: 359.
#3047 Melophorus valid Melophorus references Emery, 1925d: 10 (diagnosis); Brown, 1955d: 474 (review of genus); Shattuck, 1999: 96 (Australia synopsis); Andersen, 2007: 49 (species groups key); Heterick, 2009: 93 (south-western Australia species key); Heterick et al., 2017: 29 (all species revision, key); Heterick, 2021: 106 (Western Australia species key); Andersen et al., 2023: 1 (Melophorus hirsutipes species group distribution, phylogeny, morphology).
#3048 Protalaridris valid Genus Protalaridris references Lattke et al., 2018: 270 (all species revision, key); Fernández & Serna, 2019: 870 (Colombia species key).
#3049 Formicidae valid PALEARCTIC Karaman, 2011b (Montenegro catalogue); Borowiec, 2014 (Europe, Mediterranean Basin and adjacent regions); Gómez, 2017: 233 (Malta checklist); Zhu et al., 2022: 8 (northern Shaanxi, China checklist); Bračko, 2023: 1 (Slovenia); Sert & Karaman, 2024: 392 (Gökçeada Island, Türkiye); Demetriou et al., 2024: 49 (Cyprus, deposited in Museum of Zoology of Athens); Khan et al., 2019: 844 (Pakistan).
#3050 Formicidae valid MESOSOMA (SKELETON AND MUSCULATURE) Lubbock, 1881: 141 (Lasius w.q. mesosomal skeletomusculature); Janet, 1897b: 1 (Myrmica w. mesosoma); Janet, 1898f: 393 (Myrmica q. mesosoma); Janet, 1899a: 249 (Myrmica alate mesosoma, flight mechanism); Janet, 1906: 522 (metanotal diaphragm); Emery, 1900a: 103 (mesosomal exoskeleton); Janet, 1907: 1 (Lasius histolyzed flight musculature); Snodgrass, 1910: 81 (mesosomal exoskeleton); Tulloch, 1935: 93 (mesosomal exoskeleton); Reid, 1941: 418 (worker thoracic exoskeleton); Gregg, 1953c: 328 (promesonotal suture motility); Markl, 1966: 138 (Formica mesosoma skeletomusculature, innervation); Matsuda, 1970: 353 (review of mesosomal anatomy); Jones et al., 1978: 603 (Solenopsis flight musculature histolysis); Saini et al., 1982: (Camponotus w.q. mesosomal skeletomusculature); Siegenthaler, 1991: 1 (Cataglyphis bicolor mesosomal skeletomusculature); Hashimoto, 1991b: 289 (tibial spurs); Menzel & Tautz, 1994: 735 (subgenual organ); Perrault, 1999b: 125 (thoracic anatomy); Lattke, 2004: 242 (Ectatomminae prosternum); Nguyen et al., 2014: 497 (Formica neck joint); Keller et al., 2014: 1 (thorax architecture); Boudinot, 2015: 1 (family diagnosis, mesosoma, coxae); Khalife et al., 2018: 30 (Melissotarsus cranial and leg anatomy); Liu et al., 2019: 1 (Myrmecia mesosomal anatomy, and apomorphies for family); Fedoseeva & Grevtsova, 2020: 410 (Lasius niger, Formica rufa queen flight muscle histolysis, oogenesis, fat bodies); Matte & Billen, 2021: 1 (Lasius niger queen flight muscle histolysis); Aibekova et al., 2022: 1 (Formica rufa worker mesosomal skeletomusculature); Lieberman et al., 2022: 693 (Amblyopone australis mesosoma anatomy, part); Khalife et al., 2022: 1 (Carebara worker, solder mesosoma anatomy)
#3051 Formicidae valid METASOMA (SKELETON AND MUSCULATURE) Janet, 1893: 159 (stridulum); Janet, 1894a: 109 (Myrmica stridulum); Janet, 1894e: 591 (Myrmica metasoma); Janet, 1894f: 185 Myrmica petiole); Janet, 1902: 1 (Myrmica metasoma}; Short, 1959: 194 (Dorylus anterior metasomal skeletomusculature); Gotwald, 1969b: 1 (gaster); Markl, 1973: 258 (stridulitrum); Bolton, 1990a: (abdominal morphology); Hashimoto, 1996: 340 (anterior metasomal skeletomusculature); Perrault, 2005: 291 (anterior metasomal anatomy); Fedoseeva, 2017: 49 (metathoracic spiracles); Lieberman et al., 2022: 693 (abdominal skeletomusculature, soft tissue anatomy).
#3052 Formicidae valid VENOM APPARATUS Meinert, 1861: 723 (sting apparatus); Fenger, 1863: 137 (ants, aculeates; caution: figures with errors); Forel, 1878a: 28 (morphology, glands, emphasis on Formicinae Dolichoderinae); Dewitz, 1877: 527 (Formica rufa sting anatomy, development); Beyer, 1890: 1; Janet, 1898c: 638 (sting function, glands); Janet, 1898e: 1 (Myrmica sting function, gland); Daly, 1955: 1 (skeletomusculature); Kugler, 1978a: 413 (sting morphology, Myrmicinae); Kugler, 1979c: 117 (sting evolutionary morphology [for treatment of other groups, search for C. Kugler references]); Hermann & Chao, 1983: 329 (sting comparative anatomy, emphasis on furcula); Somala et al., 2020: 53 (Tetraponera rufonigra sting histology); Lieberman et al., 2022: 693 (sting skeletomusculature, soft tissue anatomy)
#3053 Formicidae valid GENITALIA Crampton, 1919: 129 (male genitalia); Kempf, 1956: 101 (male genitalia); Birket-Smith, 1981: 377 (male genital skeletomusculature); Ogata, 1983a: 2 (male genitalia), Ogata, 1991b: 61 (male genitalia, skeletomusculature); Boudinot, 2013: 29 (male genitalia); Farder-Gomes et al., 2019: 515 (Acromyrmex rugosus ovary, spermatheca); Griebenow et al., 2023: 945 (male genitalia, skeletomusculature); Boudinot et al., 2024: 1 (male genitalia, skeletomusculature)
#3054 Formicidae valid SKELETON AND MUSCULATURE: MISCELLANEOUS Janet, 1895b: 610 (muscles); Janet, 1895c: 1 (articulatory membrane, tendon, muscle); Janet, 1897b: 1 (Myrmica post-cephalic segmentation, musculature); Janet, 1898a: 435 (post-cephalic segmentation, membranes); Harris, 1979: 1 (surface sculpture); Gronenberg & Ehmer, 1995: 68 (tubular muscle fibers).
#3055 Formicidae valid SENSORY STRUCTURE AND NEUROANATOMY Forel, 1885a: 1 (antennal sensillae); Janet, 1894b: 814 (antennal nerves, chordotonal organ); Debaisieux, 1934: 139 (scolopidial organs); Jaisson, 1969: 279 (Myrmicinae antennal sensilla distribution); Jaisson, 1970: 1192 (Atta laevigata sensilla sexual dimorphism); Masson, 1970: 346 (receptor anatomy, function); Masson & Gabouriaut, 1973: 39 (Camponotus Johnston's organ); Masson & Friggi, 1971: 618 (Camponotus sensilla coeloconica); Dumpert, 1972b: 95 (Lasius fuliginosus antennal sensilla); Walther, 1979a: 30 (antennal sensilla, comparison to other Aculeata); Walther, 1979b: 313 (Formica rufa antennal sensilla); Walther, 1981: 146 (cuticular sense organs, phylogeny); Walther, 1983: 373 (antennal sensilla comparative morphology); Walther, 1985: 173 (antennal sensilla review); Hashimoto, 1990: 491 (antennal sensilla, comparison to other Aculeata); Hashimoto, 1991a: 125 (antennal and labial sensilla); Walther, 1994: 360 (Nothomyrmecia macrops antennal sensilla); Gronenberg & Hölldobler, 1999: 229 (optical and antennal neuroanatomy); Kleineidam et al., 2000: 43 (Atta sexdens sensillum ampullaceum ultrastructure, physiology); Renthal et al., 2003: 405 (Solenopsis invicta antennal sensilla distribution); Ozaki et al., 2005: 311 (Camponotus japonicus "sensilla basiconica" form, function); Marques-Silva et al., 2006: 885 (Dinoponera lucida antennal sensilla, secretory glands); Nakanishi et al., 2009: 79 (Camponotus japonicus sexual dimorphism antennal sensilla); Barsagade et al., 2010: 53 (Camponotus compressus: mouthpart sensilla); Mysore et al., 2010: 310 (Camponotus compressus antennal sensilla, glomeruli, anatomy, development); Siddiqui et al., 2010: 6956 (Brachyponera sennaarensis antennal sensilla ultrastructure); Barsagade et al., 2013: 113 (Camponotus compressus: antennal sensilla); Gill et al., 2013: 834 (antennal sensilla density-dependent function); Ramirez-Esquivel et al., 2014: 543 (Myrmecia pyriformis antennal sensilla); Barsagade et al., 2017: 99 (Leptogenys dentilobis: mouthpart sensilla); Gathalkar & Barsagade, 2018: 1 (Myrmicaria brunnea head, antennal sensilla); Barsagade et al., 2018: 848 (Tetraponera rufonigra leg sensilla); Barsagade et al., 2019: 1 (Leptogenys chinensis, antennal sensilla).
#3057 Iberoformica valid Genus Iberoformica references Muñoz-López et al., 2012: 30; Cantone, 2017: 158 (brief male diagnosis); Gómez et al., 2018: 465 (diagnosis).

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