Platythyrea sagei Forel, 1900 valid
Platythyrea sagei Forel, 1900f: 315 (w.) INDIA (Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka). Indomalaya.
Primary type information: Type-material: lectotype worker (by designation of Boudinot et al., 2016: 60). Type-locality: lectotype India: Dharamshala, IV/5 (Sage). Type-depository: MHNG (lectotype); other original syntypes in MCZC, MHNG. Type notes: 1) Boudinot et al., 2016: 60, inadvertently use the queen symbol for the lectotype; Forel mentions only workers in both key and description. Other original syntype workers are from Dharamshala (Fulton), and Belgaum (Wroughton). 2) Boudinot et al., 2016: 60, overlooked the fact that Brown, 1975: 52, had selected Belgaum as the type-locality.