Stenamma diecki Emery, 1895 valid
Stenamma westwoodi subsp. diecki Emery, 1895d: 300 (w.q.) CANADA (British Columbia), U.S.A. (Pennsylvania). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Snelling, 1973c: 21 (in text)). Primary type locality: Canada: British Columbia, Yale (G. Dieck) (invalid restriction of type locality by Creighton, 1950a: 136; no lectotype designated) Primary type depository: MCZC (lectotype). Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 1 paralectotype worker. Type localities: Canada: British Columbia, Yale (G. Dieck) (invalid restriction of type locality by Creighton, 1950a: 136; no lectotype designated), 2 workers U.S.A.: Pennsylvania, Beatty (T. Pergande). Secondary type depositories: MCZC (designated paralectotype), MSNG, USNM. Type notes: 1) Original description has syntype workers, syntype queens (numbers not stated). 2) Snelling, 1973c: 21 (in text), does not state the localities of the lectotype and paralectotype, but from the lectotype label information provided it is evident that it is from the British Columbia locality.
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations