Woitkowskia connectens Enzmann, 1952 an obsolete combination of Neivamyrmex connectens (Enzmann, 1952)
Woitkowskia connectens Enzmann, 1952: 443, figs. 4, 7, 9 (m.) BOLIVIA/PERU. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype male. Primary type locality: “border of Bolivia and Peru from an unspecified locality” (F. Woitkowski). Primary type depository: unknown. Type notes: 1) Enzmann, 1952 comments that “other specimens have been found in the High Andes in the Satipo Area” (= Peru). 2) Enzmann, 1952 records that the holotype is “in the author’s possession”; whereabouts unknown, presumed lost.