Labidus dorbignii Shuckard, 1840 an obsolete combination of Neivamyrmex dorbignii (Shuckard, 1840)
Labidus dorbignii Shuckard, 1840b: 259 (m.) BOLIVIA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype (?) male. Primary type locality: South America: (no further data) (d’Orbigny) (“In Mr Westwood’s collection”, = OXUM). Primary type depositories: MNHN, NHMB, OXUM. Primary type specimen: CASENT0901945. Type notes: 1) Probably only a single specimen is involved. 2) Santschi, 1921g: 92, gives Patagonia, 1834 (d’Orbigny) as data on the MNHN, NHMB specimens (these data repeated in Baroni Urbani, 1977e: 71). 3) The number of syntypes does not correlate with the statement by Shuckard, 1840a: 199, which says “In the present genus [Labidus, sensu Shuckard, 1840a, Shuckard, 1840b] I have seen but single specimens of any species”.