Syscia latepunctata Longino & Branstetter, 2021 valid
Syscia latepunctata Longino & Branstetter, 2021: 27, figs. 13, S29-30 (w.q.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Type-material: holotype worker. Type-locality: Costa Rica: Limón, Res. Biol. Hitoy-Cerere, 9.66655 −83.02283 ±10m, 200m,, tropical rainforest, with some big trees, probably a mix of primary and secondary forest, near a small stream, ex sifted leaf litter, Wa-E-02-1-19 (ADMAC). Type-depository: UCR. Type-specimen: CASENT0637043. Secondary type information: Paratype-material: paratype worker/s (number not stated), paratype queen/s (number not stated). Paratype-locality: paratype/s with same data as holotype, paratype/s Res. Biol. Hitoy-Cerere, 9.65238 −83.02206 ±25m, 670m, 11-Jun-2015, tropical rainforest, with big trees, probably primary, ex sifted leaf litter, Wm-E-02-1-06 (ADMAC). Paratype-depository: CASC.