Technomyrmex albipes cedarensis Forel, 1915 an obsolete combination of Technomyrmex cedarensis Forel, 1915
Technomyrmex albipes var. cedarensis Forel, 1915b: 85 (w.q.) AUSTRALIA (Queensland). Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated), 1 syntype queen. Primary type locality: workers Australia: Queensland, Cedar Creek, iii.1913, no. 169 (E. Mjöberg); queen with same data but iv.1913, no. 115 (E. Mjöberg). Primary type depositories: ANIC, MHNG (perhaps also NHRS). Type notes: Shattuck, 1994: 158, cites 5 worker, 1 queen syntypes (1w ANIC, 4w, 1q MHNG).