Messor julianus (Pergande, 1894) an obsolete combination of Veromessor julianus (Pergande, 1894)
Aphaenogaster juliana Pergande, 1894: 164 (w.) MEXICO (Baja California Sur). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Johnson et al., 2022: 40). Primary type locality: lectotype Mexico: Lower California (=Baja California Sur, San Julio, no date, #4479 (G. Eisen). Primary type depository: CASC. Primary type specimen: CASTYPE00619 (lectotype). Secondary type information: Secondary type material: 5 paralectotype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depository: USNM. (Source: Johnson et al., 2022: 42.) Type notes: 1) Original description cites 7 syntype workers. 2) Wheeler & Creighton, 1934: 370, refer to “types taken by Pergande”, but in the introduction to Pergande, 1894: 161, Gustav Eisen is named as the collector.