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Messor semirufus (André, 1883) valid
Aphaenogaster barbara var. semirufa André, 1883b: 355 (w.q.) MARGINS OF THE CASPIAN SEA, SYRIA, IRAN, ETHIOPIA. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype workers, syntype queens (numbers not stated). Primary type localities: “Bords de la mer Caspienne, Syrie, Perse (= Iran), Abyssinie (= Ethiopia)” (no further data). Primary type depositories: MHNG, MNHN. Primary type specimen: CASENT0907730. Type notes: Countries bordering the Caspian Sea include Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkmenistan.
Junior synonyms
Obsolete combinations
Current subspecies (nominal plus)

Extant: 2 valid subspecies

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