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Pogonomyrmex bicolor Cole, 1968 valid
Pogonomyrmex (Pogonomyrmex) bicolor Cole, 1968: 59, pl. 3, fig. 15; pl. 4, fig. 17; pl. 5, fig. 4; pl. 7, fig. 21; pl. 8, fig. 14; pl. 10, fig. 14; pl. 11, fig. 15 (w.q.m.) U.S.A. (Arizona). Nearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: U.S.A.: Arizona, Santa Rita Mts, Madera Canyon desert base, 2.5 mi. E Continental, 3200 ft, no. AZ-516 (A.C. Cole). Primary type depository: LACM. Secondary type information: Secondary type material: paratype workers, paratype queens, paratype males (numbers not stated). Secondary type localities: paratypes with same data as holotype but AZ-515, AZ-516, AZ-528, AZ-529, AZ-530, AR-419, Ar-420; other paratypes Mexico: Sonora, Imuris, 2700 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 2 mi. N Magdalena, 2500 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, Santa Ana, 2300 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 51 mi. S Hermosillo, 250 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 15 mi. N Guaymas, 200 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 8 mi. N Guaymas, 100 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 9 mi. N Navajoa, 200 ft (A.C. Cole), Sonora, 5 mi. N Navajoa, 2700 ft (A.C. Cole), Mexico: Sinoloa, 5 m. S Guamuchil, 245 ft (A.C. Cole). Secondary type depositories: AMNH, LACM, MCZC, RAJC, USNM.