Cephalotes alfaroi (Emery, 1890) valid
Cryptocerus alfaroi Emery, 1890c: 76 (s.w.) COSTA RICA. Neotropic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: syntype soldiers, syntype workers (numbers not stated). Primary type locality: Costa Rica: Alajuela, 1889 (A. Alfaro). Primary type depositories: MHNG, MSNG. Type notes: 1) De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 129, cite 1 soldier, 3 worker syntypes (1s, 1w in MHNG, 2w in MSNG). 2) Emery, 1894l: 59, cites the type locality as Jiménez, but De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999: 129, retain the original description locality of Alajuela.
Obsolete combinations