Stenamma ucrainicum Arnol'di, 1928 junior synonym of current valid taxon Stenamma debile (Foerster, 1850)
Stenamma ucrainicum Arnol'di, 1928b: 209 (w.q.m.) UKRAINE. Palearctic.
Primary type information: Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of DuBois, 1998b: 233). Primary type locality: lectotype Ukraine: vic. Norddonetz Biologischen Station, 40 km. SE Kharkov, 1923, nos 1026, 1088, “etc.” (K.V. Arnol’di) Primary type depository: ZMUM Secondary type information: Secondary type material: paralectotype workers, paralectotype queens, paralectotype males (numbers not stated, but 26 specimens in total). Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: SIZK, ZMUM. Type notes: 1) Kostyuk, 1976: 95, cites 2 worker, 1 queen, 1 male syntypes in SIZK. 2) DuBois, 1998b: 233, does not specify the collection number of the lectotype.