Primary type information:
Primary type material: holotype minor worker. Primary type locality: Brunei: Temburong, Kuala Belalong Field Studies Centre, 4°33’N, 115°09’E, 60 m., 10.xi.-5.xii.2015 (
A. Laciny & A. Kopchinskiy). Primary type depository:
MBSB. Primary type specimen: COCY 01565.
Secondary type information:
Secondary type material: 8 paratype major workers, 59 paratype minor workers, 19 paratype queens, 6 paratype males. Secondary type locality: 2 paratype major workers, 19 paratype minor workers, 16 paratype queens, 6 paratype males with same data as holotype, in addition several small samples with same locality as holotype but collected 20.iv.2015 (
A. Kopchinskiy), 2002 (
D.W. Davidson), i.2012 and 15.v.2014 (no collectors’ names), 2 paratype minor workers Brunei: Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, 200 m., 25.xi.2004 (no collector’s name), 15 paratype minor workers Batu Apoi Forest Reserve, 60 m., 3.vii.2002, 4 paratype minor workers Thailand: Chumphon Prov., Krom Luang Chumphon W.S., 3.ii.2002 (
W. Jaitrong), 5 paratype minor workers Malaysia: Kelantan, 60 km. NE Tanah Rata, Tanah Kerajaan, 1000 m., 12-30.iv.2007 (
P. Cechovský). Secondary type depositories: