Notomyrmex antarcticum (Smith, 1858) an obsolete combination of Chelaner antarcticus (Smith, 1858)
Atta antarctica Smith, 1858a: 167 (q.) NEW ZEALAND. Australasia.
Primary type information: Primary type material: holotype queen. Primary type locality: New Zealand: (no further data). Primary type depository: BMNH. Type notes: Original description is by Smith, 1858a: 167, not by White, 1846: 27; discussion of publication date and authorship by Bolton, 1987: 288. 2) Hence antarcticum White, sensu Forel, 1892c: 334, Forel, 1905d: 354, Brown, 1958h: 29, Ettershank, 1966: 96, Wilson & Taylor, 1967b: 62 are incorrect attributions of authorship and date.